Anonymous ID: 3109e8 April 20, 2018, 1:14 p.m. No.1118325   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8345


Never in a gazillion years, anon. No worries. The Day of the Rope grows neigh. In fact, these people are so stupid their lawsuit now opens ALL their servers, laptops, blackberries, etc. up to Court-ordered Discovery once a Discover Demand is made by one of the Plaintiffs. Think of it. The FBI couldn’t get access to their servers and now they just about handed them over. Of course they’ll all be wiped and Bleachbit but we’ll just put everything they wiped off back on!! he..he…Then we can use it all as evidence legally!!! No harm no foul if they destroy discoverable materials and voila! It miraculously pops back in place!!!

Anonymous ID: 3109e8 April 20, 2018, 1:37 p.m. No.1118608   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Q, since we now have the ability, could you please take out (((their))) fixed-site geoengineering facilities? You know, the big HAARP array in Alaska and the smaller ones in the SW and off the coast? The globalists have been trying to freeze out the top half of the Country by manipulating the jet stream over the last five years or so. Part of the Depop Program. We’re getting hammered in the NE and North Central AGAIN with record cold. Heating oil and NG usage is through the roof! Literally and figuratively. The USAF wanted to “Own The Weather By 2025” and it pretty much does. But now that the White Hats have taken back our AF, you think you could try getting us back to normal? While you’re at it, how about those Chemtrails? Not asking for anything but cutting out a couple of expensive and inhumane Government projects. Seriously. People are freezing to death and the Roths just keep making $$ selling fuel while depopulating. ThanQ. - A humble but patriotic anon

Anonymous ID: 3109e8 April 20, 2018, 1:53 p.m. No.1118812   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Interdasting anon. There are, or at least used to be, both plainclothed SS and uniformed SS at least at the WH. (My childhood buddy was uniformed under Carter and my B-I-L served as part of Marine WH detail under Reagan). Are you suggesting that posting uniformed in HI was a feint? That an attempt was made w geolocation?