Anonymous ID: 83219e April 20, 2018, 1:07 p.m. No.1118250   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8270

Story time!

Met a kid at a bar (don't drink, love to sing karaoke) who called himself a patriot but didn't vote Trump; told him to look into Qanon. Left him to his own devices and he told me he didn't quite believe it; two or three weeks later I see him again and he says he still doesn't really get it. I said "Qanon called it on peace with NK and SK, didn't he?" and he got really quiet and said "yeah, I guess he did. That's Trump, isn't it? He's responsible for that."

"Yeah," I said. "And NK was controlled by the CIA anyway."

Shook. He got this look on his face. "What? The rogue state? Why did they let it go on for so long?"

"A failsafe," I told him. "In case an outsider got in. They just didn't count on Trump being as big a badass as he is."

A light came on in his eyes. It suddenly made sense to him, just like it suddenly made sense to me back when we started digging on it.

Anyway, just thought I'd share. It was a very happy moment for me, after months of being ostracized.