Anonymous ID: e414d1 Oct. 20, 2020, 6:46 p.m. No.11181764   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1943 >>2300

–Simple LOGIC / ALGEBRA PROVES Qanon hitpiece in DailyMail pulled the numbers for their survey out of thin air (or worse)




In their continuing effort to discredit Q, anons and Trump supporters alike, the DailyMail publishes a survey that spans 4 questions:

1.2.3) does the voter believe Top Dems were involved in trafficking.. (1 yes, 2 no, 3 not sure)

4) if the registered voter supported Biden or Trump


Their first assertion that 5% of Biden supporters, 50% Trump supporters and 24% of total registered voters answered yes allows us to mathematically deduce the relative sizes for both sets of supporters.

.50T+.05B=.24(T+B) resolves to T=0.730769 B

ie Trump supporters compose 73% of the sample size.


Same for those who voted NO and NOT SURE:

.17T+.82B=.51(T+B) and .33T+.13B=.24(T+B) resolve to T=0.911765 B and T=1.22222 B respectively


Trump supporters would have been 73% of the sample size for one question and 91% and 122% in the others. We should have resolved to the same number or close to it for each had the survey not been made up.


That means that the writer of the article, Geoff Earle would rather make up lies to encourage others to laugh at people who care about the problem of human trafficking, than to shine any light on the issue like Joe Rogan does in this vid: