Anonymous ID: 29d7de Oct. 20, 2020, 7:15 p.m. No.11182286   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2346 >>2376

This is a real question. Im a real person not someone larping or trolling. For my entire life ive had this thing attached to me without knowing and its made me fail at everything I do as far as being able to go out and live my life and I didnt necessarily have the best foundation laid when I was young and im still young now. But I always keep faith in God and I chose to be good as difficult as it was at times I was just a scared little kid and didnt understand how people that love you could be so mean to you. But anyways I chose to love people instead of blame them for my problems having hope that I would outgrow the difficult times but i never did and I just became trapped in them and I was always told it was my fault and the lack of effort i put towards the things other people wanted me to do wasnt enough its just really fucked up. But come to find out after a car accident I got put into a chair because I couldnt walk for a year so I went from running to sitting and I got into Q b/c I was bored af and the people on here are pretty damn funny sometimes plus the added mystery of Q. Since then I opened my eyes to the seriously shitty situation of my life that I always thought was bad luck but Its not. Im haunted I have been my whole life this thing is pure evil like a parasite its sucked my life away and messes with my head. My head started ringing a year ago and its like frequency in my ears before then I used to get tormented by voices coming out of the walls in every direction but I just figured out a way to stabilize it and i know this shit sounds nuts but its pure evil its the most negative things ever and the most anxiety filled things ever and i might be alone as far as explaining this but I cant tell the people around me because they're part of the problem they don't see this entity influencing them and the risk is to high to come off to them as loony as fuck. So I always prayed my whole life most of the time cried when things got really bad and was always a quiet person but I get no help it doesnt make me discredit the Lord in any way but I do wish He'd hurry his ass up and help me to a clear path in life and back these things or thing off of me. I guess my question is who do you turn to? I've told myself many times how fucked I was and I'm a good person I dont need some independent spiritual person and If a psychic person walked in this house and they were for real they would shit their pants.