<<11147444 (pb)
Nice digits. Wish I had a means to DM with you re your experiences and expand upon my own theory (lot more to it!!). Maybe here in the future?
<<11147444 (pb)
Nice digits. Wish I had a means to DM with you re your experiences and expand upon my own theory (lot more to it!!). Maybe here in the future?
Would this not mean the all the prior mail-in votes for Biden would have to be declared
Then Killary would have to go on just actual votes for her name (only) - does she really think she's that popular?
And as for the totally unlikable Khameleon Hairyass, well . . . . . And the voice - worse than fingernails on a chalkboard.
Look at that right hand. Doesn't look very black to me.
Yes, this was to be the next Dynasty . . . .
Gitmo could make a very lucrative tourist destination.
The only downside of being able to piss on Adam Schitt from an overhead walkway is that he might enjoy it . . . . .