A little bit of research is still done occasionally.
It's also a pretty good motto for a union of states.
Oh well. I guess Rudy will just have to dump the whole raw image set and text message archive to the internet.
A guy watching the Newsmax piece that you've already seen today.
Electric has its uses. It's perfectly fine for passenger cars. But towing, not so much. Long-winded mathy technical explanation related:
Too blurry to be sure.
What we need if for someone with a Mac and this same software to retype the message exactly with different possible names and then post screen caps here. We can compare the text position after the redaction to see if they are a pixel-perfect match.
Here is the "unredacted" version floating around. I haven't looked for the original. It looks like Mac GUI. My guess is they come with a text massaging app. That would the the first one to try.
>Natalie looks shooped as fuck
It is. But the precise position of the text before and after contains enough information for a basic go-nogo test.
Zerohedge has a clean version.
Looks like the letters in the redacted name are all lower case.
It plausible. But still far too blurry to be sure.
Seriously, does anyone here have a Mac?
Possible. But all lowercase. It was redacted with a shorter bar than the other one that was probably something like "14yo"