That shit will be edited in a NY Jew minute.
If there are, I sincerely doubt that stuff will come out. And why would Hunter have his dad raping kids on his laptop? I'm sure it happened but he wouldn't have evidence of it. Someone does though.
During the day he'll be practicing jamming Biden's crimes into 2 min segments. I wonder if he'll sound like an auctioneer?
Q capitalizes on the stupidity here. It's an effective method of pandering. I didn't see that because I don't read him anymore. Everything he posts is nonsense and nothing that's happening now has a fucking thing to do with Q.
Of course the DE state police weren't going to do anything with it. Who cares. Fuck the FBI. They're about to be dismantled.
Like I pointed out already, I already know you're not smart enough to want the truth but thanks for confirming.
The texts say it all - the pics aren't even necessary, so that doesn't help them even if they were to try it. Also, it's too late now for the Bidens to deny the documentation from the laptop.
Or at least harassed her. Let's hope for her sake that's as far as it went.
He's been solid from the start of this. Hadn't read him before that but I like him. He spent a lot of time defending the shop owner too.
>I want to see a convertable crypto. Straight up locked up by vaulted silver and gold.
That's the only way I'd consider it. Otherwise, it's not just a highly overrated fiat.
Death to King Nig!!!
And nothing less will do!