/qrb is still running :/
Shame on them… but at the same time I dont blame them.
Is that an ANtarctica or North pole patch on that jacket? Seriously check it out.
Ahhh ok, what is the Canada Goose Arctic Program? I had this stuff in my ANtarctica file but it is the arctic patch.
01111 is the funniest one because it actually looks like the picture. Its my fav quads check.
This is what it is like in these mask up states. Except if you take their masks off they sue you.
Snow-niggers. Blue vote is a gibs vote. They vote for gibs. Look at the county level for ANYWHERE with native reservations. All blue all the time. Thats why.
Nice! Thankyou for knowing that shit. File updated.
I want to see a convertable crypto. Straight up locked up by vaulted silver and gold. Put metal in and more crypto is issued. Pull metal out and it is destroyed. Simple as that. A set of mostly automated vaults around the country could do this. Guess what the fucking FED has…
Anything less will be theft by inflation and we will be right back here no matter what we do. Its that simple. A strong component of anonymity would be really important as well…
Dude… then go get some weed and smoke that shit then come back and you will be a more effective researcher…
That could be some old-ass software and without a similar device you couldnt reproduce it.
Kek, I was an early miner… Back in 2011 when you could get a BTC with a shitty video card in a week. Needless to say I have spent some time thnking about crypto and learning how Blockchain works.
I am a huge fan but like all tools it can be used for good or for bad. I like the physical backing of the metal with the security and verifiability of the blockchain as well as the digital payment tools. It would suck ass to have to hump metal around.
I think a ROBOTIC vault that is built, camerad up and unmanned would be the best of the best way. No human intervention of any kind. Crypto goes in and metal comes out. Metal goes in and crypto comes out. Thats all there is. The only issue is what to do with the lost cypto passwords. That is where the gap would come in and it would be kinda a bad idea for it to be unrecoverable when the metal is literally sitting there. That is the issue I just cant sort out. It would involve humans which means the jews would take it eventually.
See here is the issue. Now these fuckers system is only as good as the legal documents between them, their vaulter and the sketchey politicians that run the dirt that it sits on… See "People" above. The jews will take it when you need it most.
We need automated systems that can BE middlemen that are verifiable and trackable and trustworthy.
If you read "I am Rofschild Axe me a question" they allude to crypto being created and no one really knowing much about it. Somewhat subtle but really interesting read. HIGHLY recommended.
How about we fix it all by just returning entirely to a literal interpretation of the original Constitution then harden it up so some of this bullshit doesnt happen again… Im looking at YOU FED and IRS.
Who is maj
Thats a beautiful coin… Im more of a fan of silver though. I just like it as a metal better. Gold is pretty cool, no doubt but silver is what does it for me. >>11185077
I got a cube one a while back. Its a big heavy thing looks like an alien on the front. I forget where I got it now.