can't think of a better trick to play on a child but to throw a dead snake at em WTF?? KEK
LieterallyEVERYTHINGties back to the children. The entire economy as we know it is a smoke screen … the real economy is the trafficking, organ harvesting, adrenochrome, etc. Every corporation, every dollar, every financial transaction flows into this. I'm convinced its THIS big
I actually believe the internet itself was created for the sole purpose of boosting revenue within the human trafficking networks. We were just sold the idea of "connecting" as a cover
>>I actually believe the internet itself was created for the sole purpose of boosting revenue within the human trafficking networks. We were just sold the idea of "connecting" as a cover. Money is truly the root of ALL evil
alibaba still openly selling it? Last time I checked "chidlren" it was still there
ENEMY OF THE PEOPLEWhen do we shut them down Q??