pb >>11180244 interdasting
pb >>11180138
Potus Also using huge monitors at Rally now?
Is the stage set for a drop of HRC +++ + +++++(raw vid 5:5). EX-rvid5774
HRC +++ + +++++
HRC joe r biden?
human rights crimes?
pb >>11180244 interdasting
pb >>11180138
Potus Also using huge monitors at Rally now?
Is the stage set for a drop of HRC +++ + +++++(raw vid 5:5). EX-rvid5774
HRC +++ + +++++
HRC joe r biden?
human rights crimes?
potus mic cutting out, habbened also to a earlier spkr, blamed hrc?
is he saying hrc intervened w/debate commission?
agree w/you and that potus should maintain a bit of civility, but think the monitors may to show things msm will not, emails, maybe more talking heads in bad situations,etc.
they have to make people nervous.
like when kayleigh showed riots at pressers.
>the utter mass confusion at two breads, multiplied exponentially…
from non baker anon here….
the breads def fugged up alot lately, i read a bit of back and forth, but i just do me thing….
had some stuff to post yesterday re. doj, fbi sources confirming emails assumed to be legit.
both breads did notable them.
bakers (real) do so much and are so worthy of respect for being so vital, and over time so consistent and integral to Ops.
i am sorry that the tried and true bakers have to deal with the shit going on, and pray that anyone fuggin with the ovens reap what they sow, based upon their intentions and effects.
god bless the tried and true Bakers