Morning anons, I see the beat goes onโฆ
More destructive than any anime. Who do you trust, anons?
In my younger years, I would have laughed my balls of at pic related. Now I just see The Damage Done.
Technically, I'm about 5 years too young to be a boomer and too old for gen x.
There is another truly hosed and forgotten generation. We just never got a name and nobody would give fuck if we did.
Before I looked I thought it was these guysโฆ
What a ladyโฆ
I sent this song to my mom, who is cool but 73. She listened to it over and over. She loved it!
I let her sing this song for a week before I told her what it was about. If that doesn't prove there's a lost gen out there, I don't know what would. kek
Why yes, yes I do know that. Hence the hilarity of my post.
Every bread is a good bread. They serve many purposes. When the shtf the fan, anons snap to attention and burn a hole in something with their FOCUS.
Shitposting has a much needed benefit. Let's anons have a pressure valve, gives the autists something to laugh at and shills think they are accomplishing something! kek
We all have a job to do.
I really thought no anon would appreciate ELP.
Who's at fault the antagonizer, or the anon who allows himself to be antagonized? We all have choices in this world. Whether we know it or not.
Stand firm anon, unless you are having fun with your nemesis while it is slow.