Methinks they secede from CA. Open to Punlic fully
We need a good meme maker to post a tag line along this disgusting truth
Ghislaine, She helped the rich and famous put jizz into little girls and boys.
Ooooooh, he just found out she wearing a bracelet and it's not for tennis.
This is a research board. Dreams are anecdotal unless documented with timestamps and follow-up documented vorrelations.
So in future try to be a bot more disciplined and provide sauce.
Now please go back to sleep
To forgive is what we are asked to do.
However, forgiveness does not excuse from punishment, nor do we trust these broken creatures.
Bwaaahaha you are asleep if you think i don't know. But as I said Sauce it with documentation. Even the prophets wrote down their dreams.
No more like you wagging your tail.
All good theories need a bibliography of sources.
So please document your journey with verifiable sauce.
Until then, lurk moar