Just learned about the origins of the modern alphabet. It appeared in Ancient Egypt, refined from the complex hieroglyphic system. Hieroglyphs were a complex system of over 700 unique letters, taught only to priests and the elite. This system of letters was transmuted, I shit you not, into Ancient Hebrew. One of the oldest carvings using alphabetic letters was a cry to God, written by a slave working in a cave 3500 years ago. The journey of this evolution of language, The Alphabet mirrors the journey of the ancient Israelite's out of Egypt. Appearing in Egypt moving up to Lebanon and Syria. The origins of the modern Alphabet are lost to history, but not if you know where to look. I would like to posit that the creation of the Alphabet was none other than divine inspiration. Handed down from God himself to the legendary Moses. The 10 Commandments were not written in hieroglyphs. They were written in Hebrew or Aramaic, and the script was able to fit complex ideas into two tablets. While the tablets themselves were destroyed this evolution of language was not. It was carried through the desert and into the wider world, influencing our culture in profound ways. The next major evolution in writing occurred when the printing press was invented, and how fitting is it that the first book printed was The Holy Bible. Like the invention of the modern Alphabet, the printing press took away the power of the Elite and liberated the minds of our ancestors. The morals taught in the Bible influenced the entire world in so many countless ways. This wouldn't have been possible if we were limited to hieroglyphs or other complex writing systems. The invention of letters and subsequently the printing press revolutionized education in our world. In our modern age we now have the computer, and writing has been digitized. The invention of the message board is the latest evolution. Here we are on a message board, writing using a divinely inspired system of letters, sharing those ideas with each other, with the ability to bypass all systems of elite control. During each of those prior evolutions of language and writing, God himself appeared and changed our world. He is here again, he has handed down a sacred mission to Q. Q will teach the world what he taught us here, that info matters and names do not. Anons are far more capable than (insert name) Q has come to destroy the gatekeepers. Were all going to destroy them together. and none of this would have been possible without God.