3nd generation Minnesota DFL party member here and I'm going to tell you why MN is going Red in 2020.
I'm the oldest son of full blown multi-generational communists and was groomed by my father and grandfather since my early teens. I shook hands with the Clinton's, interned in D.C. and ran donations checks for my father to just about every democratic MN member you think of and then some.
I was taught to be loyal to the party/family so of course I voted Gore in 2000 right after I turned 18, voted Kerry, Obama twice and Hillary in 2016. Was given a 80k a year union desk job first day out of college to which I still work.
First off, my loyalties are to my workers not the President or the Democratic Party or even my father for that matter so I'm going to spill the beans on why MN is going Red…why 2020 will be bigger than Mondale…and its going to happen because of Jobs….and its going to happen because Biden is not from MN and the only reason Mondale won MN in 84 is because Mondale was born and raised in MN.
During the Bush/Obama years the upper northeast counties mainly consisting of Cook, St.Louis, Carlton, and Lake slowly shutdown due to the mines closing up and government regulation. The truck jobs, shipping yard jobs also dried up as the big boats that ship the ore via Lake Superior were no longer needed. When this happen the jobs in those 4 counties went south big time and the drug problem skyrocketed.
The people in that section of MN are from what is called the Iron range and these people want there jobs and their family's back. This is why Q+ has done multiple rallies in that section of MN. Fun Fact: In the last year trump has done 4 rallies in MN, 3 of which are up in the Iron range….Imagine that.
Needless to say all Trump needs to win MN is win a small amount of votes from each of those 4 counties. I
Did you know on the MN ticket there are about 6-7 other candidates listed besides Trump and Biden?
Did you know In 2016 Hilda won by only 44,000 votes?
Trump doesn't need 44,000 votes to win he just needs to take those votes away from biden.
Just look at the vote trend from 2012 to 2016. The DNC lost -182,000 votes compared to 2012 and that was with Hilda. Biden/DNC campaign is far worse now then Hillary was at this time period in 2016.
My union stewards from different locals are chatting up shit in ways I never could have imagined or foreseen……and here I am thinking 2016 was bad but its nothing like it is now.
-Union Anon