Gretchen Whitmer admits it: No release from lockdown without a vote for Joe Biden
For the past 200 days, Democratic governors have been commanding their states to go on lockdown, and ordering nursing homes to be seeded with COVID patients.
The result has been the twin disaster of broken economies and high COVID death tolls, way out of proportion to the rest of the country. And incredibly, they're blaming President Trump for all of the bad consequences of their own acts, and reaping big political hay from it.
They do all the harm, Trump gets all the blame, they take all the glory.
What power-mad leftist wouldn't want a heads-I-win, tails-you-lose setup like that? Torture your state, blame Trump, win big.
So it's natural to expect that the worst of them might just keep holding their states on lockdown as a hostage act, at least until election day, to beat their citizens into submission. After that, the mask can come off.
Far-left Democrat Gretchen Whitmer, though, didn't want to wait.
According to Red State:
Whitmer told host Chuck Todd that lockdowns and COVID restrictions can end, if Americans just vote for Joe Biden.