Very interesting habbenings re: Lesley Stalh, 60 Minutes. We have this from yesterday: Trump Cuts off '60 Minutes' Interview With Lesley Stahl, Threatens to Publish Footage Himself. (Says at his Erie Rally: Lesley, oh she's not going to be happy). Media goes crazy, Trump is attacking journalists. Within the article is a reference and link to an Oct. 2018 Stahl-Trump interview which was aired on 60 Minutes. Click the link and you can't get to it.
Searched you tube and found it. It was a hit job on President Trump. Stahl/60 minutes edited it and mixed anti-Trump vid clips in with it. It shows the video & transcript.
60 Minutes/Lesley Stahl so arrogant they thought they could run a hit job on President Trump again, never gave it a thought they were walking into a perfectly set trap. Look at them now.