This is a load of crap. It's disinfo and/or ignorance. The Papacy/Vatican City has made sure for centuries to place their operatives on both sides of any group/issue to ensure that it is not implicated in any subversion. The Papacy/Vatican is the two-faced Janus, the Keep of the Door/Gate, presenting two sides. On the "conservative" side are folks like Caviezel, Voris, and yes, Vigano. Yep, they cover the bases.
But they place operatives on the "liberal" side as well. Marxism is deeply rooted in the Papacy, on one of its faces.
This is why Catholics are of two schools: the conservatives; and the Marxist/pro-abortion/pro-homosexual folks, led here by the United States Council of Catholic Bishops.
And, it has used BLACKMAIL/pedophilia/human trafficking to carry out its agenda, which is the continuation of empowering the Papacy/Vatican City to be the global one "christian" church on earth.