moar kayfabe from oss and frens
if they are a child then their parents should be ashamed of themse3lves for allowing their children to read this shit.
just like oss.. a division fag is a division fag, no matter what name it puts on.
In the absence of full transparency, this anon has blamed ALL OF THEM.
ALL of the baker crews that split breads are junk. ALL of them.
and OSS is the worst, bottom of the barrel piece of shit for choosing to do division ops right before the election.
They rank equally with OSS: Complete waste of skin.
nigtga theres alrady too many bakers. You trying to censor anonsnow, in addtion tot he bakers?
fuck you for trying to silence this anon
Q will post in whatever bread is ahead. They will especially post at shills, It happened with Freddy.
Using the whole buffalo means that Q will post.
Doesn't matter if it's shillbread
Doesn't matter if it's patriot bread.
As long as they have a landing zone on QR is ALL THAT MATTERS>
yeah. The pattern is: Q will post to the bread at the top.
As long as there is a bread at the top, Q will post to it.
You're literally stating that those bakers got Q'd because they locked everone else the fuck out.
How stupid are you?
<gauges ANYTHING by muh catalog
kek, index reading is better and shows the bread at the top.
anons know what the deal is. They aren't stupid and That's why the bakers from all factions should calm the fuck down.
my $.02
It's well known that Q will respond to shills and anons equally. That was my point that you missed, when you turned my question into a statement.
Shitty debaters do shit like that, conflating questions into statements. Noted.
I think Freddy is funny, but since Freddy is an anon, Freddy can change at any time. Calling them a patriot or a traitor is a mistake.
They're a cartoon just like mr pig.
Just like the woman in the red dress.
if they control the bake, it makes sense that Q would have no choice but to post in their bread.
Enojy your fallacy.