2ANON ID: 1963bc April 30, 2018, 12:21 p.m. No.1250719   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Iran deal- abandon unilaterally to the full extent. (It is Husseins syndicate crime with other parties coerced)

Trade with EU- Balance the deficit by EU buying US made weaponry.(stronger NATO, more American jobs, good for military on both sides), do not sanction(avg. deficit is 75 B and 10% of trade volume- compare (amount/%) with China or even Mexico and think about it)

That is my advice. If you want to understand what happened in EU during 2008-2016 period just look at US.

World is connected.


2ANON ID: 1963bc April 30, 2018, 12:59 p.m. No.1251190   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Disregard current problems inside EU.

Who hates United Europe?

Who really hates United Europe?

What is predominant demographic in Europe?

Why hate cohesion of the "pale" group?

Societal Marxists.

3 attempts to divide:

1) "4th Reich" DNC donor class funded conspiracy theories, spread by Islamists.- failed

2) Monetary attack by DNC donor class on Southern states.- failed

3) Get Islamists to invade the EU, bribe/blackmail National governments to comply, fund "civic nationalist opposition" to scapegoat the United Europe for what their pals in the National govt. are doing.- Success in UK followed by rapid decay of UK.

Anti-white= enemy 100% of times.

Even smartest were deceived by the 3rd wave (I dont blame anyone falling for it), I do ONLY blame rats within Dem. party/ its exclusive donor class, not the victimized/manipulated people.

This one is tough to swallow, but if you really want the truth you do have to do it.

Do your own research and you will find the same.

Take the blue otherwise, everyone has free will in this world.