Anonymous ID: 975a4c On Cell Phone Technology Dangers May 3, 2018, 6:40 p.m. No.1291622   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5062

Thinking on the dangers of cell phone technology, omitting the now well known dangers of cell phone softwares like social networks.


Some young women who decided to carry their phones in their bra ended up with phone shaped tumors in the spot. I believe cell phone manufacturers give warnings in their manuals to NOT give these devices to children under 7. These things operate on microwaves. Sure they don't immediately cook you, but apologist consensus science casually neglect to consider CUMULATIVE effects of use and merely react to the obvious, abdicating proactive responsibility. Profits and prestige tho. A padded pocket here and there for a good "scientific authority" pass.

There are quite a few videos on the internet of people microwave popping popcorn with their phones. Harmless? Ever put a phone near a bunch of aphids and make a call?

How about all them cell towers. Some cities have over 200 in a mile radius. Insane when 1 tower at an appropriate height & power can cover something like 20 miles. I wonder if all of them are really for cell band communication. Could this be part of why people are aging earlier? Of why people are more sickly than ever before? A part of cause for gestational difficulty & mutation? A part of cause for the increasing male infertility at earlier ages? It doesn't take a lot of energy in an EM field to cause cell stress. Get close enough to a Smart Meter and your red blood cells will start to stick together while you start to feel more like shit. And how about the hidden in plain sight military GWEN system? Or go take a look at one of those cell antenna identification sites and behold there are more than a few whose owners and capabilities are unreleased publicly.


There's also the fun of waveform harmonics, considering these microwaves. Dr. John Lilly, one of the most brilliant scientists who lived IMO, developed a technology the "Lilly Wave", which, from my understanding, can feasibly allow for complex signals to be "carried over" microwaves. Hey, kind of like the way WIFI works. Imagine you could encode emotional states through a cell broadcast field in this fashion?

The brain operates Electromagnetically and the heart has a large electromagnetic field, remember.

Imagine you could direct encoding of the subconscious to single people at a time, since all phones can be traced directly to source by nature of the way the technology is operated?

Imagine you could send an impulse over the microwave that interferes with the electromagnetics of the heart?

If those leaked Mind Control documents are real, perhaps the Lilly Wave is the technology that founded the capabilities the docs list. The Lilly Wave is scarier if signals can be piggybacked onto other electromagnetics, like the 60Hz AC current that powers homes. It would suck if the wiring in your house could be manipulated to become a programming or suppression field. Crazy shit. But fuck cell technology, human civilization is being used as guinea pigs for tech that has not been extensively tested for safety and to boot humanity is currently too immature and irresponsible to implement them properly, and I do include all of the tech & provider corporations and the shill scientists in that assessment.


Food for Thought.