J.TrIDr3ESpPJEs ID: cc6b13 May 23, 2018, 5:09 p.m. No.1522325   🗄️.is 🔗kun


"According to the law, graphics are speech, not just art."

Copyright law disagrees with that, especially photographs. Besides, by law, you mean American law. IBOR impacts the world.


Graphics (without words), aren't speech per se. Otherwise, you'd be free to show blood, guts and gore to children publicly.


Graphics with words, is simply trying to use words that can be extracted independent of the graphics.


We don't have to remain verbatim traditional (and of course, we can't).


" So is saying "I am willing to pay for title of ownership in a skinny brown pre-teen female.""

I think you misunderstand the example I giving regarding the judge.


The judge's comment of speech is the person has to actually be making a point. Screaming into your eardrum HERPADERPADERP isn't me making a point. Sending you spam advertising isn't me making a point. Sending you spam, I'm not 'saying' anything, it's not speech.


If you have to break out the philosphers, pedants and lawyers to 'find a point', I guarantee you you're not making a point.


Otherwise what you're suggesting is I can make continuous drill noises at 60dbls at you, so long as I can convolute it as speech.


"There can be no immunity from slander or libel except truth"


You sound like an idealistic guarding ye olden legal traditions who hasn't been on the receiving end of frivilous lawsuits by crooks who use the argument 'but it's not the truth', which either goes:

A) You waste all your money in a costly legal battle and 'win', if by 'winning' you mean 'financially broke and destitute' (why the fuck do you think anti-SLAPP exists? Do some research).

B) You waste money and lose because your ancedotes of your word versus theirs isn't sufficient.


Anti-libel and anti-slander laws are only used by organisations with deep pockets. Do you lawsuit every fucking troll you encounter? I bet not; I bet you give them a cold shoulder or ignore them, or ban them from your platform.


"If I call you a vile name that has any negative impact on your life"


You can already do so anonymously. Even before the internet, anonymous letters are a thing. Crank calls. Burner phones.


So-called 'anti-libel' is merely a means for irate individuals to lawsuit people's balls off for profit.


Point to any politician. You can only call them corrupt because they're a 'public figure' - they don't get anti-libel protections like individuals do.


I've seen corrupt councils sue people for rightly reporting that they were abusing powers. By the time it gets to appeal, they're out of money. Good lawyers and money for legal defence doesn't grow on trees, and, PS


Right of reply allows them to refute allegations, so you'd already have the truth.


"We let our "media" get away with far too much"


The media attack politicians who don't have anti-libel protections anyway. Your argument is moot.


They're also not obliged to 'report the other side', which my proposed IBOR mandates.


Essentially, it breaks down internet into one of two forms:

Regulated speech (censorship, moderation etc) where usual penalities (EG libel, slander, etc) apply, and


Unregulated speech where equality of access/speech (IE the freedom to refute your oppositional counterpart if so necessary).


IE: to be immune from libel, I'd have to host rebuttals you make to my remarks.


"The principles under which we ought to jointly live are actually long-established and, for the most part, functional."


Actually, no they aren't.


Censorship on youtube, facebook, twitter et alia whilst youtube enjoys immunity for being responsible for the content it hosts.


Media attacks with no right of reply.


SLAPP lawsuits used to silence activists and reporters of the truth.


Shadowbans and to top it all off, after censoring what you say they still want to spy on what you do.


So no, the system isn't functional.


It's why you're fucking here, after all.

J.TrIDr3ESpPJEs ID: cc6b13 May 23, 2018, 5:21 p.m. No.1522445   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Saying 'people have freedom of speech' but then saying 'except libel slander, and other exceptions I make', isn't true free speech.


Even the thought of being sued for saying something critical (which can be falsely accused as being libel, regardless of whether it's actually true or not) chills (read: censors, inhibits) speech.


I've had some pretty terrible abuse hurled at me, but I never once would consider EVER jailing, suing or taking to court ANY of my detractors.


Maybe purging posts, but never anything legal. If we can't honestly express what we think of each other of society without threat of punishment, then society is already lost.


There are Trump detractors, there are Hillary detractors. Knowing people can verbally attack both is what lets me know America isn't yet a dystopian state.


Try criticising China or israel from within their own territory and see how fast they either jail or dispatch you from there.


And criticism draws a sharp edge with libel. Private Eye got lawsuited under libel laws for reporting a guy as a pedophile; 10 years later, police found evidence that actually, yes they were a pedophile.


You can't claw back the money they won if you were right all along. Libel/slander laws are flawed. And don't conflate active harassment (trying to ruin a life) with being critical of a person's behaviour.

J.TrIDr3ESpPJEs ID: cc6b13 May 23, 2018, 5:37 p.m. No.1522585   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Anyway, analysis of Q's comments:

"D5" - I've reviewed this, and I strongly believe he's referring to the Trident missile (AKA D5 Trident missile), which is a nuclear weapon. Nuclear war?


"ROT = Rotation." - This refers to the London camera shots, which are something like NSA_Traf_CAM_ROT1 in the filenames.


Firstly, the presence of 'NSA' raises eyebrows. Secondly, ROT1 etc is a known, but very crude encryption method (most people probably know ROT13):



The original ROT1 is known as the 'Caeser cipher'.


Alternatively, it might be simplier in that these cameras simply rotate and I'm overthinking things.


The photographs he posts in:



Are named 'Clas_1', 'Clas2', etc. Suggesting these logistic crates are maybe 'classified'?


Q quotes a guy saying (partial quote here):

"Those pallets were full of smart phones to be distributed members"

Judging by the Foxxconn reference name in the photo filenames - used by organisations like Apple to produce smartphones - this appears to be the case.


Some of Q's images (for the aircraft) have filenames like:



Which suggests to me, it's Airforce One, seat 5A.


That would mean Q has to be an individual who travels on Airforce One.

J.TrIDr3ESpPJEs ID: cc6b13 May 23, 2018, 5:53 p.m. No.1522716   🗄️.is 🔗kun

"Which suggests to me, it's Airforce One, seat 5A.


That would mean Q has to be an individual who travels on Airforce One."


Following on from this reasoning, we can infer Q is senior level or higher (or possible an air force guard who guards the 'football codes' for the nuclear briefcase).


Secret Service do not allow passengers to move further forward from their seat for security reasons, but they can move back.


Assuming 5A means 'row 5, column A', we can infer based on this schematic (note: this specific aircraft blueprint is entirely different to AF1 - it merely allows us to infer number direction):



That Q - assuming they took the photograph - was in the forward section of the plane (notice how in the above image, rows 4 to 10 are missing?).


According to this image of AF1 (no solid blueprints exist), only senior staff members, the president, key crew and guards exist in the forward sections:



If I was to couple it with the deductions on Trump's twitter, I would have to narrow my candidate list to either senior staff, or Trump himself.


Based on Q's writing style (the SUDDEN CAPS), I would be so bold as to suggest Q is actually Trump.


However, insufficient evidence exists to establish my theory.


What would be nice would be some seat blueprints of AF1.