Tons. Everywhere. Even this board is half full of it
one would think poles have to be more awake thatn the rest of the world, but i understand what you mean.
Everything hes dropped has been pure disinfo
Well straight up call it out then. Kinda make it seem like youre wishy washy. Let folks know and up your credit with them, so to speak
oh the board is under massive misdirection and disinfo attacks rn. Ive had to catch myself a couple of times. These are interesting times
volunteer state. Volunteers football in knox
You can let them know your opinion without demanding the accept it. You tippy toed your way around. Its something i tend to do as well and ive learned recently that usually just giving a straight up opinion is the best way usually
I feel like youre trying to give sleeper a negative connotation, but it could very well be positive. This one feels positive tbh
That's what ive been thinking . The Adam housley post really got me thinking they knew POTUS was fine through impeachement, and it sets up all the dems who did it knowingly
hmmm hmmmm
This involves the majority of those in high positions, and foreign countries. Possibly could lead to the end of humanity depending on how things played out.These things take time, patience, work, and a whole lot more. Imagine the entire scope of what is possible to have came from those computers and drives
Remember this. Rememeber what a fucking whiney little child you are when things are over. Learn from it and grow the fuck up.
Thats fucking Ron Paul
Chill the fuck out, dramafag. Things happen, and its usually best to blame yourself and learn from it. In the end it was almost always your choice
so being the home of W&W would make sense
thats what im thinking as well. And i think its possible congress has known behind closed doors. Some do for sure.