NASA has discovered the Moon is a giant billboard that just needs new fuses. It says "Enjoy Slurm" in over 100 languages
Forgot to edit out the swastikas didn't ya? You need much more sanctions. Is ok, about three more months
Yep, more recycled stale and lame, outed Iranian is powerless and getting closer to that transfer to Syria
Accusations without proof to back them up are merely words of a hater and easily dismissed
Seethe harder
Recycled yet again
Recycle recycle recycle recycle
You are still recycling
Will you also be out of fresh ammo when Ivan gets to your trench?
Greta Thunberg thinks you should get an award for your recycling. All expense paid trip to Syria!
Accusations are just words with nothing to back them up
Nice work! Totally stealing that one!
Mental gymnastics level: Olympic