Q did say last, but show us where in the drops it says or implies enemy #1
Your inference is not supported by the drops and may or may not be justified.
Q did say last, but show us where in the drops it says or implies enemy #1
Your inference is not supported by the drops and may or may not be justified.
Space weather refers to solar radiation, solar particle streams, disruptions to earth's geomagnetic field caused by solar activity, etc.
It is of importance to manned space exploration, satellite operations, HF radio communications, also geomagnetic storms occasionally can induce such large currents in long-distance pipelines and transmission lines as to cause outages and other serious problems.
I did not ask for all this info which has been posted on Qr hundreds (thousands?) of times. If you say you are qu0ting Q's exact words, then you'd better be prepared to sh0w those exact words.
Sometimes they are highly energized and denser. Sometimes not.
I wasn't "arguing".
My request to you was very simple.
You have strong opinions.
I am not taking a position vis-a-vis your opinions.
Truth will come out and I can wait for it.
But my question to you was a very simple one and you answered it with reams of opinions and various kinds of sauces, while ignoring the actual question.
Strange way to argue, fren.