"wait until you see how many well-known member of the media were emailing Hunter Biden…"
yeah the same damn ones on Hillary's payroll PDF leaked 3 fucking years ago and nothing was done. I hazard a guess they're not worried this time either.
>Can you STILL do it?
Apparently they made Oregon slightly more difficult. It is a flat out swamp lie that the Russians and Iranians are interfering when it's the fucking deep state swamp monsters like Wray and RATcliff.
Last time I checked voterfraudgeneral (VFG) they were up to ten states and broward county.
WHY western states? Because people will believe they all voted blue. BUT check out the trump donor map that someone made after the lefties scraped the public donor rolls for Trump donors? Still believe those states are BLUE? After they're done manipulating votes …get it?
They just went on national TV and lied that votes and the election are secure and blamed RUSSIA and Iran and did not fucking mention CHINA that told Pelosi to WIN OR ELSE, one single time.
This election is far from secure. IS THIS the "cancelled election" I "saw" in 2007 and have been waiting for ever since?