Yeah, this bread came out of nowhere wonder who it could be?
kek - one of the stale breads got revived with a bunch of posts.
Thought WTF here we go again.
But, no, just lost anons because no Bread #.
BO/BV can fix no biggie.
Q being a dumb newfag posting in stale bread.
But, of course.
Stale Bread: Old AB one anons cranked back up at the turnover.
This Bread: Anon baked (missing # shit happens) after handy from AB.
Yep, unfinished/abandoned (thus stale) until anon revival.
Only Q knows.
This bread baked by an Anon that is on good terms w/ AB so all's well Baker-wise.
Shit happens - thank you for Baking, Anon.
I'm about to load up the hard drive with GrannyAnime just to see the reactions.
wipe your own ass
always thinking of cocks huh?
kek was gonna ask you about that but nvm now
Just sit tight.
Can't stop a Q tide so just sit tight.
If you're looking to keep baking when the dust settles I'm sure you can.
It looks like the other breads are mostly ebakes with Bakers that didn't know any better and were just rushing to get something up.
Oh, and don't beat yourself up even tho it prolly sucks how it played out.
This Anon has your back and I'm sure some others do, too.
Hang on to this and add if even moar Q drops come in.
You can use it when the dust settles (i.e. Q goes dormant) and anons reconvene in a new/stale bread.
By saying Hey, I'm the OP Baker that was Baking when Q started dropping like crazy and things got confused.
Then, we'll make sense of how the Bakes proceed from there.
FYI - Anons will be heading here next:
Tab it up & drop this in there with a note of your status.