There is ballot fuckery going on though.
Does this sound fair? Look at the last line.
a technical ballot misprint, which will delay counting of some absentee ballots on Election Night.
“Our testing protocols caught the misprint in time for our print vendor to replace all ballots that will be used for early, in-person voting beginning tomorrow, October 20th,” O’Bright said in a release. “Voters who received an absentee ballot with the misprint need not take any action – their votes will be counted.”
The misprint, a scratch about the width of a fingernail, on a timing mark at the edge of the ballot will not impact the contests, candidates or referenda on the ballots.
The County has contacted the Wisconsin Elections Commission detailing the matter, clarifying proper procedure and requesting additional time to count absentee ballots due to the issue.
If a ballot is rejected from the tabulator machine, two election inspectors will duplicate the ballot with one serving as witness.