We don't need two breads, period. It is nightshift and moving slowly anyhow. Stop trying to justify that while using the (literal) exact phrase to try to justify it. It gives you away every single time.
I get it, most of you shills are so used to the complete dingdongs from Twitter and so on who can't think for themselves and just agree just to agree. Here you are dealing with literal mentally altered people, most with low latent inhibition and who see patterns in anything/everything especially in cases of writing patterns, posting patterns, timing of post patterns, words used, phrases used, and coordinated attempts via different parameters. In short, those tactics do not work here, they never will work here, ever, since you are dealing with people who think differently than your handler's agenda has written for.
Unless you get one of us on your side, which you never will since we do not like attention by nature, then you will never be able to recreate or understand how our minds think since under two percent of the global populace thinks in such a way.
So stop the nonsense, it won't work and no real anon is going to get on board with that plan even if you do as you are doing now and using a coordinated effort to try to make it appear positive for the board and breads. Just go back to trying some of your older attempts as those work much better than this bullshit, it's pathetic. And before you post your next line in narrative, yes, I know I know, I am either a shill, a Jew, a Chink, hate America, hate Trump, hate patriots, and all your other silly attempts. I have heard them all, every legitimate anon has heard them all, we all have them logged in our mind vault, we see all the patterns of your game, so you are, quite literally, wasting your time for something you will get nothing out of. Your better served just to spend your time here talking and making friends rather while earning that cash from whatever company hired you rather than pushing those ridiculous schemes as they won't and will never work. Sooner or later one of you will break and talk to us like normal bros, I have faith that one of you will.