kek whatta moran
I tell you what - let me know when you find an Anon that cares about your grand plan.
>cry moar
current score:
Anons saying Fuck Off: 10000000000000
Anons saying Wow Great Idea: crickets
He/She/It wants comms to design it so you're prolly right.
kek new twist on old theme
I thought he was saying the bread was gonna starve itself to death.
Fit in with the rest of his logic so didn't even think it should have been "too".
>thx Anon
Yes, GYB, by all means go create a new board and wait for us to show up.
Never isn't as long as it sounds.
Mr & Mrs doc gaslight in their sleep.
kek - There's a new Dr Pepper Fansville commercial about Jinxers that reminds me of you.