Anonymous ID: 9c83cf Oct. 21, 2020, 10:42 p.m. No.11205674   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Flynn in bed with Russia and China on Nuclear energy deal.


While one might read Mike Flynn’s dealing with a variety of unsavory foreign interests as greed unmoored from principle, it’s important to step back and understand what the implications were of his advocacy for American security. In particular, his efforts to sell nuclear reactors in the Middle East run counter to several important U.S. security goals.


After his dismissal as the head of the Defense Intelligence Agency in the Obama administration, Flynn took on a series of clients that military officers normally keep at arm’s length. While his connections to Russia and Turkey have been well-covered in the media, it is Flynn’s efforts to sell Russian and Chinese nuclear energy technology to Saudi Arabia and Egypt that may have the most adverse consequences for U.S. national and economic security.


Flynn had been working with a company known as ACU Strategic Partners that had been trying to persuade Middle Eastern countries to buy nuclear power plants from a consortium that included Russian companies. Propublica reports that he later was hired by a different company, IP3/IronBridge, which had been advocating a similar deal but with Chinese, instead of Russian, partners.