Barry's daily schedule:
6:00 wake up and let big Mike have his fun
7:00 shower / jog / shower
8:00 review incoming comms from P and GS
9:00 get morning brief on Cabal status takeover plan
9:30 update action items
10:00 review incoming book deal requests
11:00 review incoming appearance requests
12:00 lunch out with Mike, a little face time with the fans
2:00 review possible Twitter posts with the disinfo team, choose 1 only
3:00 strategy session with muh puppets, topic: DAY1370 How to keep that fucker from getting reelected
5:00 review stocks / assets portfolio
6:00 transfer funds around, make the payoffs, give update directions to finance team for tomorrow
7:00 Broiled salmon and a big fucking slice of carrot cake
8:00 watch old speeches and interviews of mine
9:00 let big Mike have his fun
10:00 zzzzzzzzzzzz