Anonymous ID: 62b1c8 Oct. 22, 2020, 1:32 a.m. No.11207422   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7454 >>7464 >>7602 >>7622 >>7626 >>7644 >>7690 >>7835 >>7948 >>8060

The UK Is Now The Second Biggest Hub For QAnon Internet Activity In The World

More than a quarter of Brits polled said they believed that "secret Satanic cults exist and include influential elites".

By Sarah Turnnidge

22/10/2020 08:18 BST


The UK is now the second biggest hub for QAnon internet activity in the world, a new report has revealed.


Falling second behind only the US where the far-right movement originated – and has been bolstered by the president – a quarter of people in the UK now say they believe in conspiracy theories that align with QAnon.


Originating in a 4chan message board in October 2017 with a single post from an anonymous user identified only as ‘Q’ claiming to be a Donald Trump insider with access to classified information, QAnon has since spiralled into a conspiracy intended to “raise awareness” that Trump is waging war against a network of powerful Satanic paedophiles.


While the conspiracy theory has its roots firmly in the US, research by Hope Not Hate reveals that other false theories that align with the QAnon worldview have begun to proliferate in the UK.


The poll revealed a particularly strong belief in the conspiracy theory among young people, with 35% of 18-24s and 33% of 25-34s agreeing that “secret Satanic cults exist and include influential elites” – far higher than the average of 25% of the population.


More than a quarter (29%) of the UK population polled by Hope Not Hate said they agreed with the statement that regardless of who is officially in charge of governments and other organisations, there is a single group of people who secretly control events and rule the world together” – with this belief held by 38% of 18-24s and 43% of 25-34s.


Meanwhile, 26% of people polled agreed that “elites in Hollywood, politics, the media and other powerful positions are secretly engaging in large scale child trafficking and abuse”.


While decoupled from US conspiracy theories about Donald Trump, the UK has seen a growing minority engage in movements such as Save Our Children, which centre on fictional child trafficking plots – attracting people unaware of the campaign’s roots.


The report acknowledges that real life events, such as the high-profile institutional child abuse scandals of recent years, have raised fears, but states that the “disproportionate, illogical, and exaggerated nature of these conspiracy theories push them into the realm of dangerous fantasy.”


The rise of the QAnon movement in the UK is also closely intertwined with the spread of Covid-19, with slogans such as WWG1WGA (Where We Go One, We Go All), anti-vaccination, anti-5G and Save Our Children often seen at anti-lockdown protests.


Hope Not Hate’s research found that 17% of people polled agreed that “Covid-19 has been intentionally released as part of a ‘depopulation’ plan orchestrated by the UN or New World Order”, while 14% agreed that a Covid-19 vaccine “will be used maliciously to infect people with poison or insert microchips into people”.


Much of the growth of the QAnon movement in the UK can be attributed to the rapid spread of Facebook groups, with Hope Not Hate highlighting research by the Institute for Strategic Dialogue (ISD), which found that global membership of QAnon Facebook groups soared by 120% in March 2020.


Experts believe this trend may have been even more pronounced in the UK. Prior to March, Hope not Hate had identified just three UK-specific

Facebook groups devoted to QAnon, with a combined membership of less than 5,000.


But by mid-May, there were at least 10 dedicated Facebook groups with a rapidly growing membership of more than 20,000, although groups devoted specifically to the promotion of QAnon represent only a minor element of its rise.


The central aspect of the QAnon worldview – that there are thousands of

children being kept captive in dungeons and tunnel networks across the world – has drawn in many who might otherwise have rejected the heavily pro-Trump and narrow political narratives of the original movement


QAnon researcher Marc-André Argentino reported in September that membership of 114 Facebook groups which present a softer anti-trafficking face, but were actually dominated by QAnon content, had increased by 3,029% since July.


In early October the social media platform banned all groups, pages and Instagram accounts openly affiliated with QAnon, but a quick Facebook search reveals that groups focused on child trafficking “awareness” and anti-5G messages are still active with tens of thousands of members.

More at link: This is a base link as Huffington post uses tracking in their URL's.

Anonymous ID: 62b1c8 Oct. 22, 2020, 1:34 a.m. No.11207437   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7458 >>7538

Facebook paused efforts to redirect QAnon searches to fact-checksafter a glitch showed people information about the conspiracy theory even when they weren't looking for it

Tyler Sonnemaker 5 hours ago


Facebook is pausing efforts to redirect people to fact-checks about QAnon after a "glitch" accidentally redirected users who weren't looking for the conspiracy theory, the company said Wednesday.


Facebook said its "redirect initiative" would "direct people to resources that can help inform them of the realities of QAnon and its ties to violence and real world harm."


The initiative is part of Facebook's ongoing crackdown on the QAnon conspiracy theory and other militant groups that have used the platform to spread their message and incite real-world violence.

QAnon has become increasingly mainstream among the GOP base, fueled in part by Trump's repeated refusal to denounce the theory or its adherents.


On Wednesday morning, Facebook updated its ban on QAnon content, saying it would redirect people searching for the conspiracy theory "to resources that can help inform them of the realities of QAnon and its ties to violence and real world harm."


But less than two hours after implementing the redirect, the company had to hit pause after a "glitch" caused people to see QAnon information even when they weren't looking for it.


"When we first launched the Redirect Initiative for QAnon today there was a glitch that caused people to see information about this topic when they searched for unrelated terms. We've paused this Redirect while we fix the issue," Facebook said in a tweet Wednesday.


Facebook did not respond to questions about when and how the redirect would be re-implemented.


Facebook's update planned to send people to resources from the Global Network on Extremism and Technology, the academic research arm of the Global Internet Forum to Counter Terrorism, an initiative created and funded by Facebook in partnership with other social media giants such as YouTube, Twitter, and Microsoft, which owns LinkedIn.


"As we continue to study the impact of our enforcement against QAnon, we'll partner with GNET to assess the impact of this Redirect Initiative, and we'll continue to reassess the list of terms that, when searched for on our platform, should direct people to these resources," Facebook said in its blog post on the update earlier Wednesday.


Facebook has taken various steps to crack down on QAnon, the unfounded far-right conspiracy theory — which holds that a cabal of Satan-worshiping, child-trafficking Democrats is plotting to oust President Donald Trump — following pressure from various groups including users, employees, advertisers, misinformation experts, and lawmakers.


The company has been criticized for its slowness in acting against QAnon, only announcing earlier this month that it would remove all pages, groups, and Instagram accounts that promoted QAnon. The ban, which Facebook said would be enacted gradually, comes after the platform announced over the summer that it had removed 790 QAnon Facebook groups.


BuzzFeed News also reported Tuesday that CEO Mark Zuckerberg plans to roll back many of the company's steps aimed at slowing the spread of misinformation following the upcoming elections.


Read more: How the GOP learned to love QAnon


Extremism researchers are tracking how the new ban will play out, as the movement has spread rapidly on Facebook and on Instagram, where many are using "Save the Children" rhetoric in an attempt to further spread the movement's misguided focused on human trafficking conspiracy theories.


QAnon has also grown increasingly mainstream among the GOP base, fueled by Trump repeatedly refusing to denounce the conspiracy theory, questioning in a recent town hall whether it was a conspiracy theory, and claiming its adherents were fighting pedophilia.

Anonymous ID: 62b1c8 Oct. 22, 2020, 1:39 a.m. No.11207478   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7489 >>7493 >>7522 >>7524 >>7552

Trump Campaign Bans 'QAnon Attire' at North Carolina Rally

BY AILA SLISCO ON 10/21/20 AT 10:59 PM EDT


President Donald Trump's campaign banned supporters at a North Carolina rally from wearing clothing promoting the QAnon conspiracy theory on Wednesday.


As Trump supporters entered the president's campaign rally in Gastonia, North Carolina, they were greeted by a man apparently working for the campaign, who warned them that "QAnon attire" was among the list of items prohibited at the event, according to a short video appearing online.


"No signs, no e-cigarettes, no vapes," the man says in the video. "No pocket knives, no clothing with any obscenities, no QAnon attire."


The video does not show attendees reacting to the announcement in any significant visible way. A woman attending the rally told NBC News that she was "denied entry because she was both wearing a QAnon shirt and smoking a cigarette" but it is not clear if the policy resulted in any other people being turned away.


The evidence-free QAnon theory has been gaining in popularity among Trump supporters since it first emerged in 2017. Adherents have frequently been seen outside Trump events espousing the conspiracy while carrying signs or wearing clothing promoting it.


QAnon baselessly claims that leading Democrats and Hollywood "elites" control child sex trafficking rings, while sometimes engaging in implausible and grotesque activities, including eating babies. Trump is said to be secretly fighting the sinister plot, with a mass arrest of the alleged perpetrators, known as "the storm," predicted to occur at any moment.

More at link:

Happened before many times. When Boss wants anons to stand

down temporarily, anons stand the fuck down. 5:5 o7!

Anonymous ID: 62b1c8 Oct. 22, 2020, 1:43 a.m. No.11207507   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7539 >>7575 >>7605 >>7844

QAnon goes European

Populists, protesters, conspiracy theorists: How Europe is embracing America’s latest import.


October 22, 2020 4:43 am


LONDON — QAnon has crossed the Atlantic — and it’s found fertile ground within protest groups, populists and conspiracy theorists across Europe.


In France, the Yellow Jacket movement has embraced the American movement. In Italy, backers hail from the anti-vaccine community. In Britain, adherents draw from Brexit followers.


At first glance it’s not a natural fit. The U.S. conspiracy theory — now with millions of acolytes worldwide — alleges a vast deception to undermine U.S. President Donald Trump. It blends anti-government, anti-lockdown and anti-Semitic rhetoric with unfounded beliefs about a vast pedophile ring run by the global elite. Its followers adhere to a quasi-religious belief that a great savior — aided by “Q,” an anonymous government insider from whom QAnon gets its name — will protect followers from the dark forces behind the conspiracy.


And yet, a review by POLITCO of tens of thousands of social media posts and online discussions across six languages discovered QAnon’s language and ideas are increasingly making their way into existing online communities and protest movements across the Continent.


The main reason why: the coronavirus crisis.


“If you feel like you’re losing control of your life, you’re more likely to believe in these conspiracy theories,” said Jonathan Bright, a senior researcher at the Oxford Internet Institute. “The coronavirus supercharged things. People are spending even more time online, so have more time to come across anti-vaccine and other conspiracy content.”


Anonymous ID: 62b1c8 Oct. 22, 2020, 1:52 a.m. No.11207569   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7586

I know a marriage killed by QAnon and Trump,

with help from alienation

Matt Dooley

Wed 21 Oct 2020 19.32 EDT


The 2016 US election pushed Mary* to embrace the bizarre conspiracy theory. Her fiance told me he just ‘fell apart’

Everyone remembers where they were when Trump won the election. Alex and Mary* remember it especially well. It was the night their relationship fell apart.


Alex and I first met in 2012. I went to dinner one night with him and his fiancee, Mary. I remember her as a bright, intelligent woman with a passionate interest in animal rights. Fast forward to the evening of 8 November 2016, and a gaudy reality TV star was on the verge of being elected president of the most powerful country on Earth. As Alex and Mary watched state after state fall for Donald Trump, it became clear that the beginning of this new chapter in American history would mark the end of their marriage.


During the 2016 presidential campaign, Mary had become a dedicated conspiracy theorist, paving the way for her embrace of a bizarre conspiracy theory known as QAnon. “I had a nervous breakdown,” says Alex. “I couldn’t wrap my mind around the whole Trump thing and all the weird stuff Mary was getting into. I just fell apart.” Mary is unambiguous about the reason their marriage ended. “It is 100% my fault. I came in as one person and left as another.”


QAnon: a timeline of violence linked to the conspiracy theory

Read more

Alex and Mary moved from Australia to California in early 2014. Alex had a job offer and they decided to take the plunge. From day one, Alex was pulling long days at the office and Mary passed a lot of her time online, frequenting a huge message board community called 4chan. A naturally inquisitive person, Mary enjoyed reading about fringe opinions with a specific focus on alternative medicine. After a series of bungled health diagnoses, Mary had lost faith in the authorities. She viewed the entire medical system as a web of malevolent conspiracies. 4chan had vibrant communities for discussing these issues and more. At the darker end of the 4chan spectrum there lurked several large groups dedicated to white supremacist hate speech, antisemitism and Holocaust denial.


Mary’s network of 4chan friends became an increasingly important antidote to the sense of alienation she experienced in her new town. While Alex jeered Trump’s orange skin and ridiculous hair, an avid following was growing across America and the world.


In Trump, Mary saw someone who was finally going to shake up the establishment and put an end to the hegemony of the political elite. “I was praying and meditating for Trump to win,” she says. “That is where all of my consciousness was”. Alex admits he didn’t take it seriously. “If she brought up Trump, I just tried to shut it down,” he sighs. “ I didn’t think it was possible for anyone to seriously believe in that guy’s bullshit.”


One day in the autumn of 2016, Alex drove Mary out past the used car yards and fast-food joints to a convention centre near the airport. “I knew she had been doing some chanting or something with the Hare Krishnas and dabbling in Scientology,” says Alex. “It was her thing and I respected that. I just didn’t want to know about it”.


This is what it sounds like, when Karen's cry…

Anonymous ID: 62b1c8 Oct. 22, 2020, 1:56 a.m. No.11207592   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7632 >>7727

Making chaos in the South China Sea does no good to China-U.S. ties

Bobby Naderi

12:13, 22-Oct-2020


The Donald Trump administration continues to sell weapons to Taiwan and conduct provocative military drills in the South China Sea. It is flexing muscles, stirring up tensions and propelling the strategic region toward an unwarranted arms race.


To their credit, hawkish lawmakers have introduced a bill to the House that declares China the top economic and national security threat to the U.S. The incredulous claim is that China has "risen to become the U.S.'s prevailing economic and national security threat of this generation."


The unsound logic to turn the waters into a zone of competing diplomatic interests between the two economic powers should be discarded. It comes despite the fact that Beijing has said it has no intention to challenge or replace the U.S., and that the new confrontational tempo may add conflict to the China-U.S. relationship.


And yet it is not normally debated in the halls of Congress or investigated by the foreign policy establishment in Washington. This guarantees a future trouble for the key waterway, one that gives all regional countries a historic chance to begin to press for a much better region. After all, International Maritime Law says it matters beyond words.


The Law of the Sea treaty

The United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea upholds that the countries of the South China Sea have rights and responsibilities to use the waterway for trade and management of marine natural resources. They have ratified the convention and can stop outsiders from putting the region in danger in terms of security and trade.


Here is the strange thing. The U.S. has not ratified the treaty on which it has based its claims and disputes with China. The U.S. cannot use the treaty's mechanisms and rules to sanitize the presence of its warships in the Chinese periphery, or provision conflict-ridden policy in the South China Sea.


None of this should come as any surprise, but China can use the same mechanisms and rules to legitimately respond to Washington's politically timed jostling for advantage. China doesn't have to compromise with matters concerning its sovereignty and territorial rights. It shouldn't escape scrutiny that the U.S. is the troublemaker here. It's pretty much clear for everyone to see.


On balance, the responsibility for securing the strategic waterway lies with China and its neighbors. This activity is pursuant to self-defense and consistent with the United Nations' 1982 Convention. It is within the framework of the same convention that the U.S. is seen as an on-site troublemaker that's aggressively and unlawfully promoting military operations for self-interests.


Anonymous ID: 62b1c8 Oct. 22, 2020, 1:58 a.m. No.11207607   🗄️.is 🔗kun

South China Sea: Dragon’s deployment of coercive economic measures

to prop-up its position

October 22, 2020, 10:28 AM IST SD Pradhan


More than any other country, China has experimented with the employment of economic levers in coercive ways. China’s use of its growing economic footprint to pursue political, military, and diplomatic goals is worrisome as its ulterior objective is the establishment of hegemony in the region. The measures may also have long-term effects in deterring and shaping countries’ foreign policy interests that go well beyond the short-term economic costs.


China is aggressively deploying loans, financial aid, infrastructure projects, trade and other economic measures as instruments of foreign policy for asserting its claims in the South China Sea (SCS). China has expanded its set of such economic instruments to include both sticks and carrots. China has punished countries that undermine its territorial claims and foreign policy goals with measures such as restricting trade, encouraging popular boycotts, and cutting off tourism. It has also used allurement of financial aid that is part of debt-trap diplomacy .


The deployment of economic levers for coercion have been systematised since the assumption of Presidency by Xi Jinping. While he himself had told former Japanese PM Abe that the political issues need not hinder the bilateral economic relations, China under him is doing precisely the opposite. China punished South Korea for deployment of terminal high-altitude area missile defences (THAAD) by banning its tour groups that hurt the South Korean airlines, hospitality and tourism. Lotte Marts, the South Korean Supermarket chain was forced to sell all its stores in China.


As US termed the Chinese claim in SCS ‘illegal’, China is not moving to enhance its imports from US as agreed in the partial deal. The US decision to sell Patriot missiles to Taiwan was responded by Beijing’s announcement to impose sanction on Lockheed Martin Corporation, the US primary contractor, and its state media indicated that the supply of rare earth could be cut-off. Similarly, on the issue of banning Huawei, China retaliated by stating that Apple would be banned through state media.


When Australia lodged a note with the UN Secretary General refuting China’s unlawful maritime claims in the South China Sea, there was exchange of barbs between the envoys of China and Australia in India. It is expected that China would intensify the use of coercive economic measures which is already in process since Australia supported an independent enquiry on the origin of Covid-19. Beijing’s steps include raising of tariff on Australian barley exports, suspension of beef imports as also threat to prevent its citizens visiting Australia. The above examples explain how China is using the economy as an instrument of statecraft.


The misuse of its economic power is palpable in the Belt Road Initiative. While it is meant to serve the interests of the Chinese state-owned companies by putting in the contract clauses hiring of the Chinese companies, technology, equipment; it is also used for turning the debt into equity, particularly in weaker countries.


Beijing has increasingly relied on economic means to deter, punish or allure other claimants to either support its claims in the SCS or stop opposing its claim. The use of coercive economic sanctions and allurement of financial assistance by Beijing to ensure that the members of ASEAN do not take a stance unitedly against its interest is quite common. It also denies other littoral countries to have partnership with external powers for exploration activities.

In 2012 dispute with the Philippines over Chinese fishermen operating in the Scarborough Shoal, Beijing imposed tighter measures on agricultural imports from the Philippines, and in particular on bananas. Given the importance of bananas and other agricultural exports for the Philippine economy, China’s economic pressure convinced Manila to settle the dispute quickly. Later when Philippines won the case against China in the PCA, Duterte was offered $13.5 bn deals. Philippines decided under Duterte not to pursue the case. Subsequently, China pledged to invest in the Philippines through the BRI and to cooperate on achieving “joint exploration” of disputed waters in the South China Sea and pushed Philippines to terminate the US-Philippines Visiting Forces Agreement (VFA). This was postponed in June in view of continuing harassment by China. China had also warned Philippines not to carry out exploration activities without China in the former’s EEZ. Duterte’s statement in July that he could not afford to go to war with China to assert Philippines’ sovereignty in SCS reflected the extent of the Chinese coercion.


Anonymous ID: 62b1c8 Oct. 22, 2020, 2 a.m. No.11207623   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7625 >>7644 >>7690 >>7835 >>7948 >>8060

Suga warns China over South China Sea


October 22, 2020 12:47 pm +08


JAKARTA (Oct 22): Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga effectively warned China on Wednesday against any moves that escalate tensions in the South China Sea, where the country is showing growing assertiveness.


"We oppose any action to raise tensions in the South China Sea," Suga told a news conference in Indonesia’s Jakarta, wrapping up his first overseas trip since he took office last month, reported Jiji Press.


During the Asian trip, he also visited Vietnam.


"I have renewed my determination to steadily realise a free and open Indo-Pacific region while continuing to conduct summit diplomacy and working closely with the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN)," he said.


Suga noted that the vision of a free and open Indo-Pacific does not target any specific country and that Japan can collaborate with any country that shares the same views on the initiative.


"We have no plans at all to create an Indo-Pacific version of NATO," Suga said, apparently mindful of China's opposition to the initiative.


Suga arrived in Jakarta on Wednesday’s afternoon from Hanoi, where he met with his Vietnamese counterpart Nguyen Xuan Phuc on Monday (Oct 19).


The visit to Indonesia completed his four-day trip until Wednesday (Oct 21).


His four-day trip to the two Southeast Asian countries takes place as the Suga is working to promote Japan’s Free and Open Indo-Pacific vision.


Anonymous ID: 62b1c8 Oct. 22, 2020, 2:06 a.m. No.11207654   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7667 >>7690 >>7835 >>7948 >>8060

South China Sea PANIC: US spy plane missions near China DOUBLES

in alarming spike

THE US has nearly doubled its number of spy plane assignments to China since 2009, a Chinese research organisation has revealed.


PUBLISHED: 03:02, Thu, Oct 22, 2020 | UPDATED: 09:08, Thu, Oct 22, 2020


The Chinese think tank said the US has also incremented its naval ship presence in China by more than 60 percent since 2009, according to Newsweek. The US Air Force, Navy and Army currently execute three to five reconnaissance flights a day.


The South China Sea Strategic Situation Probing Initiative (SCSPI) has found that the total of reconnaissance flights has reached more than 1,500 a year.


The think tank was founded in April 2019 and analyses air and maritime movements using open-source commercial data.


A spokesperson told Newsweek that the US surveillance in the Yellow Sea, and the East and South China Seas, has been “steadily rising” since Barack Obama’s presidency.


They also observed "an abnormal increase in frequency" in recent years.


Speaking to Newsweek, the spokesperson said: "According to our observations, since 2009, the US military has significantly enhanced the frequency of activities in the region by boosting the presence of surface vessels by more than 60 percent, reaching about 1,000 ship-days a year.


"In the air, it sends on average three to five warplanes to the South China Sea per day, most of them being reconnaissance aircraft, making a total of more than 1,500 sorties a year, almost twice as many as in 2009."


In its latest observation, SCSPI said US spy planes flew at least 60 sorties near China last month.


The move was labelled a "close-in reconnaissance" of Beijing's activities.

The organisation also described a "sharp increase" in surveillance aircraft numbers over the Yellow Sea as the People's Liberation Army carried out live-fire military drills nearby.


The report read: "On September 22nd, for example, a USAF RC-135S, which specialise in collecting ballistic missiles data, conducted a mission till 20.00pm over the Yellow Sea, coinciding with the PLA military exercises nearby, during which it electronically disguised as a Filipino civilian plane.


“According to our observation, a total of 16 sorties of US spy planes were sent to monitor PLA exercises, 13 flew to the Yellow Sea and 3 to the East China Sea."


The spokesperson also called attention to the “remarkable change” in US activity in the area.



Anonymous ID: 62b1c8 Oct. 22, 2020, 2:09 a.m. No.11207666   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7671 >>7697 >>7771

Trumpworld Wraps Up Campaign by Going Full Q


From the president on down, the closing pitch to voters is to signal acceptance of a conspiracy theory that the FBI considers dangerous.

Will Sommer

Published Oct. 22, 2020 4:55AM ET


Former Trump strategist Steve Bannon had a message for his podcast listeners on Tuesday, and for adherents of the QAnon conspiracy theory it wasn’t very subtle.


“It’s gonna be a storm,” Bannon said. He was speaking of the closing weeks of the election but using the very same imagery QAnon believers use to describe their dream of Trump arresting and executing his political foes. “The storm clouds are around the Biden camp. The storm clouds are around the Biden camp. A gathering storm.”


For those who may have thought it was just a slip of the tongue, Bannon dispelled any doubt the next day. Speaking once more on his podcast, he claimed that at least parts of QAnon, which posits that Satanic cannibal-pedophile elites in the Democratic Party who drink children’s blood will soon be executed at Trump’s orders, are true.


“How are they not at least, at least an aspect of their argument, at least appears, directionally to be correct?” Bannon asked, while pushing unverified claims that a laptop that supposedly belonged to Hunter Biden was filled with illegal images. The tenets of QAnon, he posited, were “the elephant in the room.”


With less than two weeks before Election Day and Trump lagging in the polls, some of the president’s most prominent allies are going all in on QAnon, while Trump and other top supporters refuse to denounce the conspiracy theory. It is, at its most innocent, a crass political calculation designed to keep a relatively modest though loud and influential chunk of the party’s base engaged. At its worst, critics warn, it’s a green light of acceptance to dangerous conspiracy theorists and a normalization of their beliefs.


And it’s coming from the top. At his NBC town hall last week, Trump refused to disavow QAnon, which the FBI considers a potential source of domestic terrorism. On Sunday, Republican National Committee chair Ronna McDaniel sidestepped a question from ABC host George Stephanopoulos on whether she would denounce QAnon, saying only that it was “not part of our party” and a “fringe group.”


In the Georgia special election Senate race, two Republican candidates are competing for their own QAnon endorsements. Sen. Kelly Loefler (R-GA) touted the backing of Marjorie Taylor Greene, a Georgia Republican and outspoken QAnon supporter who’s set to win a House seat in Congress in November.


Loefler’s challenger, Rep. Doug Collins (R-GA), meanwhile rushed out his endorsement from former Trump National Security Adviser Michael Flynn, a hero to QAnon believers, who recently took the QAnon oath with members of his family.


The courtship of Q has, at times, been covert. In September, House Republicans’ campaign arm launched an ad falsely accusing Rep. Tom Malinowski (D-NJ) of supporting pedophiles, in what was seen as a wink and a nod to Q followers. While Trumpworld has not condemned the movement, they also haven’t wanted to be tied to them publicly. NBC video from a Trump rally in North Carolina on Wednesday showed a Trump campaign worker listing off the types of clothing at the event, including “no QAnon attire.”


Will simply cannot get enough of Q aynon! kek

Anonymous ID: 62b1c8 Oct. 22, 2020, 2:11 a.m. No.11207675   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7690 >>7835 >>7861 >>7948 >>8060

Fake CIA Spy Almost Scammed His Way Into Immunity

“It is chilling to consider what the defendant could have accomplished,” prosecutors wrote of Garrison Courtney.

Justin Rohrlich

Published Oct. 22, 2020 5:00AM ET


The scam was bigger than anyone knew.


A sentencing memo filed in federal court by the Department of Justice reveals for the first time the full extent of fake spy Garrison Courtney’s stunning ruse: In addition to the $4.4 million he personally extracted from his victims over the course of more than four years, he was in line for nearly $4 billion in Army, Navy, and Air Force contracts had the FBI not caught him.


Even more astonishing, before his double-fake cover was blown, Courtney came “dangerously close” to getting a legal sign-off that could have made it impossible for prosecutors to bring him to justice, authorities said in the new filing.


Courtney, who served as a high-level spokesperson for the Drug Enforcement Administration before embarking on his criminal career, pleaded guilty this summer to one count of wire fraud. As The Daily Beast reported, his con was so audacious and complicated—and hoodwinked so many current and former government officials—that seasoned investigators were left slack-jawed.


And in a handwritten jailhouse letter, Courtney claimed that his scheme got so big, he didn’t know how to stop it without exposing himself as a “fraud and failure.”


According to court papers, after he left his DEA job, Courtney crafted a new, entirely fictional persona as a deep-cover CIA operative on a top-secret mission crucial to national security. He approached defense contractors and convinced them to put him on their payrolls so he would look like an ordinary citizen as he went about his supposedly covert activities. Courtney promised the companies lucrative government contracts in return—and in some cases, delivered.


The memo released ahead of his Oct. 27 sentencing includes part of a spreadsheet Courtney maintained to track the federal contracts he was vying for. When investigators disrupted his plot in 2016, Courtney was “seeking to corrupt over $3.7 billion in federal procurements,” prosecutors wrote.


Anonymous ID: 62b1c8 Oct. 22, 2020, 2:12 a.m. No.11207681   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7689 >>7715

Russians Reportedly Attacked CIA Agents In Australia With A Microwave


Cam Wilson

Published 2 hours ago:

October 22, 2020 at 5:44 pm


Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) agents reportedly believe that they were targeted by members of the Russian intelligence agency with a ‘microwave’ energy weapon that left them with brain damage while in Australia.


According to a GQ magazine report by Julia Ioffe released on Thursday, two CIA officials — including one who was “among the agency’s five highest-ranking officials” — travelled to Australia to meet with Australian intelligence officials.


While in a hotel, they felt something that the people among the agency had begun to call ‘getting hit’.


“While in their hotel rooms in Australia, both of the Americans felt it: the strange sound, the pressure in their heads, the ringing in their ears. According to these sources, they became nauseous and dizzy,” wrote Ioffe.


What they had felt, believed CIA officials, was the effects of a microwave weapon that’s been used against U.S. government staff around the world. Staff in the U.S. Embassy in Cuba and China reported similar experiences.


Other CIA people who’d believed they’d been hit by the same weapon were diagnosed with occipital neuralgia, a condition coming from damage to major nerves in the skull.


And who was responsible for this attack? Officials from the American intelligence have blamed the infamous Russian agency that succeeded the KGB, the FSB.


Ioffe claims that CIA investigators were able to place agents from the Russian agency “within range of the CIA officers who had been hit in 2019.”


In response to the reporting, the head of Australia’s Home Affairs department Mike Pezzullo refused to say anything.


“I don’t have any comment on the story in GQ magazine, and even if I did, I won’t confirm or deny if I’ve had classified briefings on that matter,” he said today.


“But even if that were the case, I wouldn’t be in a position to speak about it.”

Anonymous ID: 62b1c8 Oct. 22, 2020, 2:15 a.m. No.11207698   🗄️.is 🔗kun

FBI's announcement and DOJ's indictments can't hide Trump's Russia


All bark and no bite is not an effective strategy to counter cyberattacks.

Oct. 22, 2020, 5:00 AM EDT

By Frank Figliuzzi


On Wednesday night, the FBI alleged that Iranian intelligence was trying intimidate Florida voters. The agents noted that Russia was also working to influence the election. While the full details of these new allegations remain unclear, what is clear is that the collective evidence of foreign meddling continues to mount. But America's response continues to underwhelm.


On Monday, the Justice Department announced indictments of six Russian intelligence officers for what it described as their roles in persistent and pervasive cyberhacking around the globe. But instead of being a strong response to Russia's digital aggression, the indictments exemplify the Trump administration's failed strategy against the Russian threat.


According to the indictment, these military spies were modern-day marauders, hellbent on wreaking havoc on a wide spectrum of targets from presidents to power grids to the PyeongChang Winter Olympics. One of the attacks they are alleged to have unleashed, NotPetya, has been described as the most devastating in history. Some of the indicted officers were behind the 2016 U.S. election interference hacking, according to the Justice Department. These charges represent a laudable investigative and intelligence achievement. Unfortunately, they join similar actions from the Trump administration as part of a pretense, one that permits our president to pretend he's tough on Russia.


As widely reported last year, the U.S. government, as coordinated by U.S. Cyber Command, significantly stepped up its approach to the growing threat posed by Russia's coordinated incursions into our private- and public-sector systems. Using new legal authorities quietly authorized by Congress, the government has been carrying out "clandestine military activity" in cyberspace to "deter, safeguard, or defend against attacks or malicious cyber activities against the United States." These same reports disclose that such activity includes boring deep into Russia's utilities infrastructure for a two-fold purpose — letting it know we can enter its networks and planting "seeds" that might enable us to shut down power and other infrastructure if the need arises.


But Russia Russia Russia!

Anonymous ID: 62b1c8 Oct. 22, 2020, 2:21 a.m. No.11207732   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7742 >>7835 >>7948 >>8060


Daily PSA of[P]AIN to counter the narrative of the lost ones who think they know some shit because some muh GURU taught them how to hate... kekitty!

Read a few books, did ya!?

Watched a few video's?! kek


Results of Anon 3 year Q Drop Vatican RCC CIA Research File

>>11169723 MEET GEORGE SOROS > A "jew" or a Catholic Court Jew?

>>11169733 Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. CIA killed my Father and Uncle

>>11169747 MEET BERNHARD STEMPFLE Priest who wrote parts of Mein Kampf

>>11169757 Cuban Immigrant warns - Castro was trained by Jesuits

>>11169776 MEET TIMOTHY DOLAN Archbishop of New York - Deep State/Church


>>11169814 Q DROP #189 The Cult Runs the World > VATICAN

>>11169823 Q DROP #714 Q Threat to Clowns > CIA > Vatican?

>>11169831 Q said "Soros takes order from P." Drop #416

>>11169848 Q asks "Who controls the [D] party" and "Who really controls the [D] party" Drop #3749

>>11169854 Q said "Guardian of the Pope" and titled the accompanying image

of an owl "GUARDIAN_P" " Drop #1413

>>11169867 Drops # 3749, 416 and 1413 basic decode > P = Pope/Papal Royal Families (Black nobility) Papal Orders of Knighthood (Malta) Orders such as the Jesuits.

>>11169876 Q DROP #851 CIA & Vatican Helped Nazi Officers Escape

>>11169898 Q DROP #936 The Nazi Order > Vatican > Jesuits

>>11169906 Q DROP #1002 The BITE that has no CURE > Vatican > Viper > Satanists

>>11169926 Q DROP #1021 Did the US taxpayers pay for the Predatory Sexual Abuse

Perpetrated upon Americans by the Roman Catholic Church?

>>11169945 Q DROP #1413 Guardian of the Pope Owl Photo > P = Pope/Papacy

>>11169956 Q DROP #1763 Sex Abuse in the Church > Dark to LIGHT

>>11169969 Q DROP #1831 POTUS Roasts Corrupt & Evil Hillary Clinton at Catholic Charity Event > SURROUNDED BY EVIL? at a Catholic Charity Event?

>>11169989 Q DROP #1879 100s of Priests in PA Molested 1000s of Children

>>11170004 Q DROP #1916 Priest Hits Crying Baby at Baptism > Man of God?

>>11170034 Q DROP #1950 Holy See Corrupt Universal Government of the Catholic Church

>>11170072 Q DROP #2152 Pope Francis Compares Vatican Whistleblower to Satan

>>11170084 Q DROP #2594 Cardinal George Pell 3rd in Command at Vatican

>>11170115 Q DROP #2918 Trump's Roast of Hillary Back in 2016 Reveals Her Dark

Secrets Symbolism will be their downfall

>>11170152 Q DROP #3565 Q Links to Pope's Tweet on Human Trafficking > Biblical

>>11170170 Q DROP #3709 Vatican Ambassador to France Resigns after Molestation

Allegations Those you are taught to trust the most….

>>11170191 Q DROP #3957 Sleepers [Pro] will shift position [Nay]. [Paul Ryan_Fox]

Rupert Murdoch is a Papal Knight and Fox news full of Catholics.

>>11170210 Q DROP #4303 CIA's Use of Journalists and Clergy in Intelligence Operations > Who really controls the Media? CIA back into the news [soon]?

>>11170235 Q DROP #4408 We Are in the Middle of Another Enlightenment Approaching the Precipice. Against (the monarchy, the privileges of the nobility, the political power of the Catholic Church)

>>11170262 Q DROP #4429 Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò Letter to POTUS - Biblical Battle Light vs Dark > Vigano is not our friend. Vigano is not a good person.

>>11170271 Q DROP #4799

When does a Church become a playground?

When does a Church become a business?

When does a Church become political?

When does a Church become corrupt?

When does a Church become willfully blind?

When does a Church become controlled?


24 year assistant Director of the Who, Milton Siegel explains exactly how the Vatican controls the W.H.O. consider the implications now with covid. Is the story about China controlling the W.H.O a cover story?

>>11170342 Link between Saul Alinsky and the Roman Catholic Jesuits.

Alinsky and the Jesuits also link to Obama

Anonymous ID: 62b1c8 Oct. 22, 2020, 2:29 a.m. No.11207782   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7803


Some of us know a lot more "strange" than others yet for some reason words only seem to matter when they fit our preconceived notions of reality, our bias and our fears.


Q DROP #936

The Nazi Order

Q !UW.yye1fxo 10 Mar 2018 - 6:07:05 PM

Nazis and the Vatican Photo


Q !UW.yye1fxo 10 Mar 2018 - 5:57:14 PM



The Nazi order.

NWO [N does not refer to “New”].

The Sum of All Fears.






Stage SET.




The Vatican and the Nazi's were working together from the

very beginning.

A Catholic Jesuit Priest edited and wrote most of Mein Kampf

Hitler praised the Catholic church and especially the

Jesuit order

Anonymous ID: 62b1c8 Oct. 22, 2020, 2:49 a.m. No.11207911   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7918 >>7939


Why thank you, Anon.

I enjoy your well thought out opinions as well.

What I do not enjoy is what appears to be SOME PEOPLES inability to adapt to new information.


If it comes out that the Jews did everything with ample info to prove such a theory. I would be the first to submit to what appears to be reality.

What has happened though?


Plenty of data has already been exposed such as "WHAT IS A COURT JEW?" which helps to explain away centuries of scapegoating the "Jew" by populations who watched the "Jews" rise up in power ONLY BECAUSE they were playing BANKER for the Catholics and others Canon Laws against Usury.


The Protocols are indeed a Playbook yet you should know the history behind the Protocols and yet you fail to yield?

Thoroughly baffling really…


You will not yield to facts and new information. You cling to your bias like a security blanket and I am sorry about that, for you, yet it is my duty to destroy false narratives.

It is your duty as well yet you are failing in this.

No worries though as either way I can work with you for the greater good.

You keep setting them up and I will keeping knock them down.


5:5 o7


Anonymous ID: 62b1c8 Oct. 22, 2020, 3:11 a.m. No.11208092   🗄️.is 🔗kun


So I come on strong. Don't they? Doesn't our enemy?

and it's proven to be effective, very, correct?

So damn straight I am charging hard in the other direction.


You see, "methods" will always be "debatable", just like the definition of reality yet once we find things that are "relatively solid" and "relatively unchanging" I will use the shit out of those things and mien enema no likey! kek


Muh solids!

Muh methods!


Listen to kids playing video games these days, its tippy top kek

"All you do is that one move!"

"move spammer!"



Yet in a real war, we don't run around giving our enemies a chance, do we?

I am not playing a game here although I will kek all the way to Victory!

Can you feel pepe?!


5:5 o7