These anime fags are so fucked in the head
Because BO is a piece of shit.
No matter, Q controls the narrative across all platforms now.
Team BO started too late.
8kun demoralization or not, nothing can stop what's coming.
You'll see.
You lost.
Control of qresearch will not stop what is coming.
Keep thinking that you have accomplished something as DS actors like yourself go down.
The anime bakers are real bakers.
Annoying as fuck, sure
Definitely not pro Q.
But they do a serviceable job.
It's like 4chan now. Gotta take the good with the bad. No going back to the ol days of qresearch. Sadly, this is the new reality. But it's all good. A few shit notables will always be posted from now on to smear the movement, but they put the good notables in too, I must admit. Things are still on track. If shit ever goes off rail, Q will correct. But for the moment these idiots are working quite well for Q in an attempt to take down Q. Their logic is faulty.