Court listener crashed again. Don’t matter. All nothingburgers. This fucking psyop has me at a rolling boil.
Yup. Where are the blackmail tapes?
She admits to nothing but of age consensual Shit.
If this is a boom we’re fucked.
Yup. Goal to get us more mad at Q than we are at the depraved fucks. Brilliant psyop. Ran just like hilldawg ran Russia Russia Russia.
Denies all of it. We’ve been played.
Unless the blackmail tapes refute her whole testimony. Where are the fucking tapes!?
Why did they fight so hard to keep this under wraps. Actually makes Epstein seem ok. We know she’s lying but this is a huge bag of hot air.
Quads suggest yes. But quads lie too.
No this is what anons revolting against Q looks like.
So big even gateway pundit took a pass. Unbelievable. I just have to laugh.