What can we do to help Targeted Individuals (TIs)? I'm in AUS and my brother, who lives in a different state to me, is being attacked with voice-to-skull tech and is in a really bad way. He is suicidal and has tried to kill himself before. (They) have been going after him for several years now, and have hacked into his computer, have all his bank details, and track his every move. They can also make him say or do things against his will. He may have been selected as a target when he learned that a local council he was working for at the time was collecting illegal data on private citizens.
I spoke to him last night on the phone for the first time in years, and the very same night he was assaulted by the (voices), so they are listening in on his conversations and are trying to break him. He can't go to the police or seek help from a doctor or psychologist, because one of the strategies (they) employ is to make sure that no one will believe him or they'll just think he is crazy.
I knew that harassment of Targeted Individuals was a real thing, but when I found out it was happening to my own bro that's when I realized just how evil and disgusting these (animals) are, and that this stuff is REAL.
Q, if you can shed some light on when we can expect this kind of evil to stop, it would go a long way to helping TIs who have nobody to turn to, and maybe give them some hope. Also, any suggestions on how we can effectively prevent the mind control tech from affecting us, or what TIs can possibly do to help fight off the tech, would be very much appreciated.
I'm also putting this out here on these boards to expose this disgusting practice to the world, and to let everybody know that this shit is REAL, and that we are onto (them).
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Welcome to Q Research. I'm also on Twitter trying to red pill but have been having the hardest time with the throttling/shadowbanning of my tweets. :/