Anonymous ID: 764cd9 Nov. 15, 2018, 5:54 a.m. No.3912358   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2426


Thanx for saying this…Many need to hear this b/c many are going through the same mental process and arriving at the same “Logical” point… “something isn’t adding up.” If you’re gonna be “Q” then you gotta “Earn” trust, you can’t just continually “Demand” trust by appealing to our sense of patriotism and loyalty to God, Country, Liberty and Justice. At some point the woke and wandering begin to wonder (complain). Even God Himself showed miracle sign after miracle sign to prove to the Hebrew ppl that His prophet (Moses) was “Legit”. Moses gave God’s crumbs to the ppl, saying, “These crumbs are from God!” and his crumbs were NEVER WRONG…Not even ONCE! So far the only thing we can LOGICALLY say about the Q crumbs pointing to some coming miracle event is they are NEVER CORRECT. Logic points to someone CRYING WOLF and leaving the ppl standing on the beach staring at the Red Sea as the Egyptian army of chariots are so close, we can tell you what flavor gum they’re chewing! (I’ve been smelling Big League Chew…and I mean “Bigly”.) PAST PROVES PRESENT for authenticity has proven to be ALWAYS WRONG. It hasn’t been authentic…Not even ONCE! ppl need to feed on some Q “Manna” instead of just Q “Crumbs”. We’re wandering in the wilderness, following an encrypted-Moses without a pillar of cloud for the daylight or a pillar of fire for the dark of night. Tell us something that ACTUALLY MATERIALIZES …AS ADVERTISED…PLS?

Anonymous ID: 764cd9 Nov. 15, 2018, 8:54 a.m. No.3914188   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4403 >>5193


…I mean…Q does understand that we're taking a ton of Sht for him, right? He crumbs us up and we Meme out the goddmn universe, talk with family and friends and the occasional TOTAL STRANGER about everything we can glean from his Dropsy dumps and then….guess what? You smell that?? Its us non-A-holes covered in pure Q-sht going all, "Future Proves Past" while EVERYONE in our family and social circles…HOME & WORK…are throwing down on OUR asses!! That's OUR ASSES Mr Goddmn Q!!! I HOPE to HIGH HEAVEN you get that!!!!! THIS IS NOT A GAME!!!! ITS OUR LIFE! OUR RELATIONSHIPS! OUR JOBS! OUR NETWORK OF FRIENDS! OUR CREDIBILITY! You get to play QQ7, talk with Q, Q+, Q++…You have a whole Q workplace of friends and support and What have WE got? A WORLD OF EAT SHT FACES to deal with! So 'Excuuuuuse Meeeee' if YOUR feathers get all wadded up in your panties! We're eatin' pissed-in Korn Flakes! ACT LIKE YOU GET IT!! Tell the boss the folks are starting to shout "START THE PAIN or STOP THE PAIN" one or the other or hell, most of us will just settle something in between… There's other letters in the Fcking alphabet! Pick one! Spread the Love! Let's have an Alphabet Appreciation Day and get all "Relax, We're in control". When General Robert E Lee wrote his report to President Jeff Davis after the Battle of Gettysburg, he gave the details of his discussion with his generals on the evening of Day 1 concerning the plan for Day 2. Then he wrote these words concerning his directions to them for the morning of Day 3, he said "The plan remained unchanged"… "unchanged"… Lee had thought logically and had determined that the enemy could be defeated NOW and waiting or continuing to maneuver his forces, worrying about the battle while fearing a mass of elevated earth because it didn't match the conventional strategy on paper, rather than taking the opportunity to END the entire war

because of the entire scope of what lay in front of him in that moment was not just unnecessary, it was NOT logical. Assaulting the enemy on the high ground in that moment was so SOLID and SURE, further calculation and discussion would be ridiculous. Just assure us that the plan is solid and sure and "Unchanged"! I think we can all get over the rest of it if we can get a few more 'atta-boys about right now. And Oh, BTW, Lee was right…The plan wasn't the problem. The problem was Longstreet. It was Longstreet who undermined Lee's plan on both Day 2 and Day 3. So Be careful Q…and God Speed…B/c there's always a Longstreet, isn't there?…always.