Can we agree there is unprecedented corruption running rampant through out our society which is being covered up by the very institutions which were designed to investigate, prosecute and adjudicate. Can we agree the problem is by far worse at the top than the bottom? Can we agree that the top abuses their power, the disciplinary system and appraisal system to “reward” silence, compliance and participation in their corruption. The same abuse is similarly used to silence and punish those who expose the corruption. If you find yourself in the middle of one such scenario and you have tried using the traditional chain of command and agency IG, federal law enforcement to expose corruption/ money laundering/waste/fraud, and are being retaliated against through the appraisal & disciplinary systems, who do you say something to where the serious message will be dealt with rather then the institution using fake disciplinary and fake appraisals to falsely portray the messenger as a “problem” (getting n the way of their corruption/waste/fraud/abuse)? Ie how do you blow the whistle where the system is so corrupt and the stakes are so high and the ramifications are so far reaching and it is being so well protected from so many angles of power?