Anonymous ID: ae96dd June 21, 2018, 9:23 p.m. No.1857214   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7335
  1. Is it called the "Great Awakening" because there are theological implications?

  2. When Trump was talking about rich guys and rockets the other day, was he sending a message? Was he talking to Eric Schmidt?

  3. Is stellar parallax relevant to the question about the nearest star?

  4. Was MegAnon in the loop or just larping?

  5. Are the HelperAnons in the loop or just larping?

  6. What about FBIAnon?

  7. Is the most mind-blowing information going to be withheld until a certain time so we are all shocked at once?

  8. Does Colbert teach Sunday school for reasons we might expect, knowing what we know?

  9. Is Antarctica relevant to the awakening or just disinfo?

  10. NWO doesn't mean Nephilim World Order…right?

  11. Was the HelperAnon who talked about the secret purpose of the 666 building, and having cabal on camera "crystal clear", larping?

  12. Was universal suffrage a cabal tactic?

  13. Was left vs right a cabal tactic?

  14. Is the "space force" not necessarily what it's being sold as?

  15. Is the masonic imagery in Trump tower relevant?

  16. Was Trump a plant within the cabal while working as an FBI asset since the 1980s?

  17. Is disclosure of what the cabal has kept from us going to play out over years? Or does the military have videos prepared that will be dropped?

Anonymous ID: ae96dd June 21, 2018, 9:35 p.m. No.1857335   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7944 >>8215


  1. Is Trump "playing along" in a lot of ways right now?

  2. Are space elevators ever going to be relevant for our civilization?

  3. Is humanity in a zoo?

  4. Is what is about to happen going to be the most significant event in the history of the human race so far?

  5. Is the entire concept of aliens just cabal disinfo?

  6. Does the cult go back to 1190? Earlier?

Anonymous ID: ae96dd June 21, 2018, 10:29 p.m. No.1857944   🗄️.is 🔗kun


  1. Were the colonies founded for different reasons than what were have been told?

  2. Were the founders cult members?

  3. Is Pythagoras relevant to the awakening?

  4. Newton?

  5. Are there a lot more fake historical figures than accepted by mainstream history?

  6. It was claimed NASA was weakened. Was NASA not part of the conspiracy from the very beginning? What are we supposed to make of the videos showing harnesses and CGI defects on the ISS?

  7. Wouldn't dropping a Hillary before she's tried video make it impossible to give her a fair trial? Or were military tribunals really the plan?

  8. Is the movie "United 93" propaganda?