Anonymous ID: fd9e12 Q question April 21, 2018, 3:50 a.m. No.1128594   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1419 >>0893 >>9182

First, many thanks to Q, POTUS, white hats, researchers on this board. My question: We're still seeing lots of spraying in our skies. For what purpose? Who pays? Will it end?

Anonymous ID: fd9e12 April 21, 2018, 4:13 a.m. No.1128670   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1617

No.1121104 I'm finding questions and reposting here:

Delta engine fire?


How rare are engine fires?

Think logically.


My follow-on question is related to something I saw in the comments on Linda Paris’ Q-related blog. One of the persons had questioned President Trumps stressed/strained appearance and demeanor when announcing the Syrian missile strikes and it got me thinking…(Ms. Paris is also known for her outstanding video channel, McAllister TV).

Bluesky7: “Robert…ever played Texas hold ‘em…poker. Besides chess in 3D Trump and Deep State have a side game of Poker going. He captured their hidden cards up the sleeve in North Korea. Neutralized most of their covert sub fleet and got the secret algorithms and data files with the BDT during the Hawaii missile strike. And lastly got them to play their last chance chem weapons card they had in their hat band….they are now scalar’ed down to high tech compact portable weapons that fatigue certain metals at a distance with lazer accuracy. The gun isn’t to his head, it’s ours. The F-22 belly landing and thunderbird crash and several others including the commercial AC are all related. There is still the issue of AT LEAST two nuclear weapons missing out of US inventory and a question of decommissioned devices of unknown number to be resolved. He was sweating with your/our lives on the line. Have a nice day, I don’t sleep at night.

Bluesky7: “Also Robert try this link. [link] I could over whelm you on this subject but short version is that it’s a matter of scale. The package needed to deliver a fatiguing signal is much smaller than needed for instant large-scale destruction as observed in this video. Also, if you have lots of time on target (slow or stationary target, e.g., aircraft on tarmac) you can weaken metal in several ways including Hutchison effect, scalar wave, or other beam weapons or field effect weapons.”

( https:// ) [same as the ‘link’ in Bluesky7’s comment above] shows a very compact, effective US Special Forces type weapon.

Q-team, is it possible that besides the ‘Poppycock’ and related networking equipment and transport vehicles, the sharks have also stolen other toys, such as compact, man-portable directed-energy weapons from the SEALs’ or other Special Forces’ toy boxes?

Thirdly, if so, is that what they're leveraging to blackmail President Trump?

Lastly, if not man-portable, do our Deep State enemies still have access to larger systems similar to the directed-energy weapons mounted on satellite platforms that the Q-team identified in the mega drop files as being responsible for starting the California fires? Those would also seem to be capable of damaging aircraft on the ground or in flight.

Anonymous ID: fd9e12 April 21, 2018, 4:16 a.m. No.1128685   🗄️.is 🔗kun


(This is actually a reply to Q's #1176, 1095705, but everything seems to have 750 replies already.)


Q, you asked, "How rare are [aircraft] engine fires?"


Unlike the ‘Poppycock’ hoax, these recent engine/aircraft/rotor failures are very real.


It appears the recent surge in civilian aircraft part failures/accidents is an expansion of the military attacks that you have previously noted. While failures in both arenas appear to be metal fatigue related, it seems impossible that salted metals from the manufacturing sector is a commonality across the broad spectrum of manufacturers and events.



The opportunities for access to the different aircraft varies greatly. If this is intentional, systematic sabotage, it would appear the proximity of a perpetrator(s) need not be ‘close-in’…necessarily. Additionally, the sabotage events have been intentionally slight so as to conceal the perpetrators’ methods, their identities and to aid in their detection avoidance and escape. These appear to be the hallmarks of hi-tech tools in the hands of the saboteurs sniping at our civilian and military aircraft.


Inquiring minds do want to know. Are the civilian and military aircraft failures related?

Anonymous ID: fd9e12 April 21, 2018, 4:23 a.m. No.1128714   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1381 >>8747 >>4312


there is a burning question I want to ask




  • Why is there no mention of Jewish lobby aka Zionists


  • Mafia NY and USA


  • Triade


  • FEDs and Roths central banking why our US military is their thug still ?


please we need clear hints links or answers from you guys.


will it be GO against ?

Anonymous ID: fd9e12 Q Question April 21, 2018, 5:18 a.m. No.1128816   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1396


Q. The US Govt has responded to a series of false flags through the years. Syria is the latest. We can't know what game is being played currently, but many were upset by the latest missile "response" on Syria. Will a time come that we will learn the truth?