Anybody going to Belmont tonight? I want to see POTUS somewhere in town. Any thoughts? I kind of would like to be in group. Will have my 10yr old son and senior parents. My Dad is retired Army and he is a bit brazen. Zero filter, trying to stay away from little Antifa bitches.
And I shit the bread. Sorry. 😬
Look away…shame….
I tweeted the Q link for Biden summary and tagged all news outlets but I am shadowbanned to oblivion. 10k followers and I'm usually lucky if 50 people see a tweet.
Oh, I'm ready, parents went to Inauguration and Dad rolled through the "pussy hat parade" with his MAGA hat proudly. Just want to have positive experience for sure!! Keeping my head on the swivel, though, I know today they are desperate to sweep out of news cycle.