When is the last time you saw trainfag? Vanderbilt info he was digging on might have been useful. Where are the lawfags? I'd like to know if a charter bus company that transported antifa over State lines to riot and loot are open to suits for damages from the businesses affected. Where are the truckfags? Busfags? Boatfags? Saw the attack start on the Planefags in notables, "implicated in…"
When info needs out to the aggregators and to normies everything is jammed with shit, split bakes, shit like the two year-old JIDF/Mossad muh joo video being notabled. Q said "ALL ASSETS DEPLOYED" and I can see it.
Strange, the bakers were getting teamed up with note takers to handle volume and bakers were coordinating handoffs and using bins to keep out shills and clowns then suddenly OSS shows up, stirs up a shitstorm, attacks bakers and anons alike, and can even bake for hours and hours (which tells me more than one person) while changing the dough based on few votes but still screaming censorship. Shows a screenshot "these were deleted!" and goes Reeee but the screenshot shows the ones deleted had {no sauce} on them before deletion.