Anonymous ID: 9c0e8b Oct. 22, 2020, 1:43 p.m. No.11218341   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8358 >>8374 >>8436 >>8491 >>8505 >>8565 >>8572 >>8678



here is a run down of duplicate bread numbers going back through most of what is shown in the catalog.

odd bread 14178 Prepare your minds is an out of sequence full bread, (next to a 14235 We are Q Edition)

there are two 14239

out of sequence 14104 Anon, Trust EAch other Edition a full bread.

there are three full 14260 breads.

there are two 14262 breads

14156 ebake out of sequence. locked but with 743 responses.

there are two 14283 but no 14284

there are two 14286

thre are two 14287

an out of sequence 14194

there are two 14288

there are two 14289

out of seqeunce 14291 a full bread

out of sequnce almost full 14304

14316 there are two full breads

there are two 14323 full breads

there is no 14324

the bread numbers jump 14328 back to 14239

then we get a dupe so we have 2 14327, one of which is full, the other is locked but has 525 posts in it.

14328 so that is locked it has a duplicate number. it has 113 posts.

then we get a 14340, which is too far, it should be 14330

then we get a 14241 with 447 in it, and that is not locked

then we get an ebake of 14341 and that has 333 in currently (probably more by now).

then a 14331 Go Edition whihc is the current 'real bread', and seemingly numbered correctly except for the fact that there are 14 breads with duplicate numbers (or maybe even one or two more).

so if we ticked it up and renumbered it all we'd be uup 14445, but my guess is that won't happen.

so full breads had duplicate numbers going back to 14178 , as shown in the catalog, what can anyone do?

and anon knew what was happening and had no way to fix it.

so we are at 14333 but if things were number correctly it would be 14348 or so.