Anonymous ID: 0b172d April 20, 2018, 6:12 p.m. No.1122011   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Okay i can see your patterns your using the left to expose and destroy the left. Likely you had this woman under control for a while. Now use her to expose the horrors that take place. Start at Standard Hotel…once the sleeping normie fags begin to understand that even pretty young women can be evil sadistic sex torturers then the normies will be more willing to listen to pizzagate type stuff. And the ball on child pedophiles and human sacrifice will be rolling. Throw in the vaccines and them hiding cures for many diseases. Throw in they invented AIDS and LYme and autism….and we can start the fucking pogrom by next year.

Anonymous ID: 0b172d April 20, 2018, 6:17 p.m. No.1122077   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2130


Larry David may have seen the writing on the wall. His last season of Curb Your Enthusasim had a lot of jokes. It was a subtle redpill season.


If he keeps this good jew act up we might save him. He needs to not do another pissing on a wafer in the toliet shaped like Christ…I know now what the talmud says about Jesus in a pool of urine, a pool of shit a pool of semen. Fucking kikes cant make up their mind but they hate his ass good. David needs to respect us and not do that shit no more. Or when the truth comes out about HOllywood he better hope Mel Gibson has some use for him or his ass is fried.

Anonymous ID: 0b172d April 20, 2018, 6:23 p.m. No.1122218   🗄️.is 🔗kun


cut middle finger…fucking satanist…and the kid. Probably killed her at the end…the paper making a Jew style snarky joke…after all who is going to look for this kid. And anyway the press would cover for him anyhow.

Anonymous ID: 0b172d April 20, 2018, 6:35 p.m. No.1122444   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Yeah….if your a little part of the Jew Slave System you need to go to the nearest Marine base and ask the guards to turn yourself in as an enemy combatant. You cant risk the FBI or the Normal cops…they are all infiltrated…you may never even be logged in their system and once they know your turning in the Luciferians you might not walk out of there alive. So go to a Marine base and just surrender. Dont take a weapon. Show your hands at all times…might help if you wear short sleaves and no coats or baggy clothes. Be calm and polite and they will take care you. And be prepared to show some evidence…bring your normal blackmail stuff on others…that you kept to keep yourself safe. Take that too. Leave it in a box. Dont threaten anything….be calm…You can do it. Do it before they get scared your ratting them out and kill you first….be smart….get ahead of the game. You know your doomed if you keep fighting…and in time you might have a decent life to enjoy.

Anonymous ID: 0b172d April 20, 2018, 6:40 p.m. No.1122539   🗄️.is 🔗kun

You ever wonder if NSA hears so much… think they hear the code words the MKULTRA programmers use to program people? You ever imagine they can just get that person isolated….use the control words….and then program MKULTRA asset to do some task you need done?


Would you do this if 7 billion lives depended on your side winning?


Lots of these people against us are MKULTRA mind fucks…..that can be to our advantage if your of that mindset.