the baker intentionally misnumbers.
the baker posts the hypnotism of anime
the baker pretends to 'want to know how' it's 'doing'.
same shit different day.
the baker intentionally misnumbers.
the baker posts the hypnotism of anime
the baker pretends to 'want to know how' it's 'doing'.
same shit different day.
simply speaking the anime baker is an enemy of the board.
fuck the anime baker and all the baker discord shills.
fill this
fill this bread quickly
fill the misnumbered (intentinally) bread
anime baker is a foreign agent?
fill it all
fillt his now and keep it up all day till they leave
anime is poison in themind for an adult
all the other posters seem like a team of anime groomers
hey shit head baker, you intentionally misnumbered the bread again.
fix it.>>11234789 dfdfdfdfffdfdfdf
hey shit head baker, you intentionally misnumbered the bread again.
fix it.>>11234789 dfdfdfdfffdfdfdffdfdfdf
here is a list, from yesterday , of breads that showed up in the catalog yesterday.
15 double numbered full breads.
it's not a mistake, it's intentional
odd bread 14178 Prepare your minds is an out of sequence full bread, (next to a 14235 We are Q Edition)
there are two 14239
out of sequence 14104 Anon, Trust EAch other Edition a full bread.
there are three full 14260 breads.
there are two 14262 breads
14156 ebake out of sequence. locked but with 743 responses.
there are two 14283 but no 14284
there are two 14286
thre are two 14287
an out of sequence 14194
there are two 14288
there are two 14289
out of seqeunce 14291 a full bread
out of sequnce almost full 14304
14316 there are two full breads
there are two 14323 full breads
there is no 14324
the bread numbers jump 14328 back to 14239
then we get a dupe so we have 2 14327, one of which is full, the other is locked but has 525 posts in it.
14328 so that is locked it has a duplicate number. it has 113 posts.
then we get a 14340, which is too far, it should be 14330
then we get a 14241 with 447 in it, and that is not locked
then we get an ebake of 14341 and that has 333 in currently (probably more by now).
then a 14331 Go Edition whihc is the current 'real bread', and seemingly numbered correctly except for the fact that there are 14 breads with duplicate numbers (or maybe even one or two more).
so if we ticked it up and renumbered it all we'd be uup 14445, but my guess is that won't happen.
seriously you knocked the numbering up 10 breads but, also, 15 or so full breads had duplicate numbers going back to 14178 , as shown in the catalog, so what can anyone do?
constantly misnumbered breads, and anime shit-head make for a tedius morning.
you must be one of the discord baker frens.
so for example we have these two cretins do a banter about 'antisemitism'
they are just a script.
it's all bullshit.
they are the same person.
the do this to smear the board.
99 percent of what gets put up , unless we say 'enough' is this kind of foreign influence bullshit.
enough. it's a waste of time to be here.
so, for example, this pervert is let to go on with this degeneracy.
and banters with the anime shill-baker.
none of this is organic.
it's done intentionally.
and also: the misnumbering is also intentional.
basically it's a discord script to stomp on anyone who isn't part of their coven.
this is a useless shill-notables.
the baker is a discord team person.
will not renumber the bread.
intentional in it's depravity.
in league with nzi poster.
it's all a discord script.
the eastern and central europe 'investors' and 'imigrants' were often times those who sent checks back to Vienna to pay back their loans. the evidence of this is legion.
so they were taking over America by abandoning the Austrian Hungarian empire.
so they 'turncoated' against Austria, moved enmasse to the US.
profiteered off the WWI effort (that pit the nations of Europe against each other)
and the final cherry on the top was a mass-murder of 100,000 American Soldiers to make sure there was a high demand for imigrant labor.
does that sound like a fair history?
you forgot:
post hitler as another ID.
argue with hitler
don't renumber the bread, which would be a simple thing to do.
this is really the 14352 bread
it was intentionally misnumbered.
it's been made an issue by spamming discontent.
there is no point to being here except for Q while these
discord scripts
are used
to 'groom' the victims of the psyop.
don't be a victim.
just lurk.
obviously my deal this morning is to call attention to this.
anon all can't do this all day.
but next bread it will be someone else, I can't do this all day.
so toot-a-loo.
PS: a baker who 'lets you know' his 'personality' through 'images' is a famefag and should be banned from the kitchen.
but we do not ahve a BO who is on the Q team.
at least one person, when the baker is being a shill bitch, needs to be there to say it over and over: shit ain't right, this is a script, this is intentional, these people are willful, breads shouldn't be like this, baker shouldn't be a namefag, bakers are badgers and bitches.
next bread it won't be me.
and it is troubling thta it has to be done.
but so it is.