prepare for multiple breads. Someone will have to create a new bread to get rid of the current baking faggot. Same as yesterday
yep - it is not American. Just a tardchan faggot that migrated to fuck this place up
so just watch it fuck everything up and not call it Out? No thanks, peepaw
you are clueless. Part of the problem.
Have you looked at the breads? The bread numbers? The notables?
Or maybe you're part of it.
Apparently seeing patterns isn't in your wheelhouse. This is the same baker that has been doing the same shit for days - well nights- now. You must be extremely new. Or part of the little faggot op
he ded
faggot infestation today
how odd is it that in this time of difficulties on the board, BO and /comms/ bakers already have a 'solution' to the 'problems' they created set up and ready to go?
Go read for yourselves:
the only way out of this is a second bake - they know this. Why do you think they do it?