Anonymous ID: 334c16 Oct. 23, 2020, 7:38 a.m. No.11236496   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6964 >>6988


How elections are stolen

Russ Clarke, Oct 23 2020


The Democrats are taking a very business-like approach to stealing the upcoming election in order to take control of the United States. It's not unlike Texas Instruments who had a focused plan to take over the calculator market in the 1970's. In the case of Texas Instruments they recognized a predictable ongoing drop in the price of components year after year so they priced their calculators so cheap that no one could compete. Their goal was to have the lion's share of the market by the time their components costs dropped significantly below their revenue stream. They accomplished their goal and they became enormously profitable. Their risk in the process was running out of money and going bankrupt if they incorrectly assessed the situation.


In the case of the Democrats [and the deep state in general] the case is similar in some respects to Texas Instruments. But instead of investing in taking over a specific market to gain control of the lion's share of the revenue streams the Democrats are investing in corruption to take in enough votes to allow them to take over all the levers of power in the United States. The Democrats risk in this case is jail time if they incorrectly asses the situation and fail to accomplish their goal. They are way down the learning curve and have a clear understanding of how each avenue of corruption contributes to their vote total. The qualification of their candidate is less important than the overall corruption and deception needed to acquire votes.


They look at it this way: Each crime yields a certain percentage to the vote total. Deceased voters yield X%, Illegal immigrant voting yields Y%, Social media censorship yields Z%, etc. Their bag of tricks includes a wide assortment of criminal tools. Besides what I mentioned above here are a few more …


  • voter intimidation at the polls


  • carefully timed fake news


  • Inserting a virus into voter machine software


  • vote harvesting like what is being currently done by Ilhan Omar in Minnesota


  • Vote reminders sent exclusively to Democrats by Facebook, Google and other social media


  • Merging likely Republican name/addresses into the computer database at certain Postal Sorting centers to separate out selected mail-in ballots for disposal.


So if the Democrats piecemeal enough tricks together to win then they take control of America and they receive a "get-out-of-jail-free" card. They mean business!

Anonymous ID: 334c16 Oct. 23, 2020, 8:13 a.m. No.11236964   🗄️.is 🔗kun



This should be a notable but it seems that this forum has lost most of the autists - looking through the bread, its gone to shit with little research being done, just mostly clipboard pics of nothing of value. Some good posts but nothing like what it ised to be.