Anonymous ID: 57b5cd Oct. 23, 2020, 8:14 a.m. No.11236976   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>7010 >>7024


On 11 September 2001, an aircraft closely resembling an E-4B was spotted and filmed orbiting the Washington, D.C., area by news outlets and civilians, after the attack on the Pentagon.[16][17] In his book Black Ice, author Dan Verton identifies this aircraft as an E-4B taking part in an operational exercise, and the exercise was canceled when the first plane struck the World Trade Center.[18] Air traffic control recordings and radar data indicate this E-4B call signVENUS77became airborne just before 9:44 am, circled north of the White House during its climb, and then tracked to the south of Washington, D.C., where it held in a holding pattern.[19][20][21] In 2008 Brent Scowcroft explained in a book, that he was on this plane to go on an inspection tour to one unspecified nuclear weapons site as chairman of a DoD team called โ€ณEnd to End reviewโ€ณ