Anonymous ID: d22d42 Oct. 23, 2020, 8:33 a.m. No.11237151   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Tim Pool on Twitter, AI, and antifa


Far Leftists Activists Are The CUDGEL Of Big Tech To Enforce Ideas In The Real World, Is It AI??

>It almost feels like there is an AI consciousness forming in all this big tech censorship, inadvertently, and people like antifa are being manipulated to be enforcers in the real world where AI can’t actually reach.


>I’m not saying there’s an actual conscience entity saying [robot voice] ‘I must control humanity’, I’m saying that we are creating this big networked system that has inadvertently created enforcers in the real world—and they allow it.


>Why is it that a black man can go out in San Francisco and say ‘censorship is bad’, and a white antifa screaming the n-word can knock his teeth out, and the media doesn’t freak out overt that? It was acceptable in this weird, this weird algorithmic universe they’ve created.


>The AI that they built, and their manipulation—because it’s human beings at the end of the day—can’t get into your home, and they can’t get into that stage to stop you. They can’t censor you when you have a constitutional right to speak. But they can inflame some antifa people, allow them to organize violent riots, and show up at your home and punch your teeth out.


>They want to end the defiance in the physical realm, they’ll punch you in the face. They can already end the defiance in the digital world by just banning you and nuking you. So they’ve got their enforcers. [The enforcers are allowed to operate on this platform]… with impunity.”


>It’s human beings, and they are knocking dominos over, not realizing what they’re building around them.


>Take Jack Dorsey for instance, like that dude gave $10m to Ibram X. Kendi. These people are… it’s human centipede. […] Jack Dorsey creates a platform where he lets the left run rampant, then eventually the whole political world is inflated with this psychotic far left ideology he allowed.


>Then it infects his own brain, and he gives money to it. A guy calling for racial segregation, he gave money to him! He’s created this world where it’s literally, he’s encouraging people to make sludge and refuse, and then he’s accidentally eating it, and then corrupting his own mind and body.