>>>11237841 (You)
โThe only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing."
I am not dividing, it is you. I only bring light into your darkness.
>>>11237841 (You)
โThe only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing."
I am not dividing, it is you. I only bring light into your darkness.
d2l 10/23/20 (Fri) 12:46:55 74a1e7 No.39528
Consensus Ransacking and takeover of the bread w no split by by Patriots seems to be the quick solution .What are the cons? What mite Q not like about that?
Noting done in the shadows will be hidden
>Bread splitting and now bread shitting commenced by shills and possibly comms faggery
I would say that possibly is not in question. It is fact
>fuck off, faggot.
>bakers just are hanging out not bread splitting.
>Somebody else is.
>A division fag trying to frame the bakery - again.
>Anons, dig - see what you find.
Of course you are and I am the king of Denmark.
>He had a nervous breakdown on the board yesterday when Q chose a stale Anon bread over his.
Yeah and still recovering, but "ready to go in if sent!"
>Q needs to move us to an tntorely different domain.
Nah, you need to join your friends https://8kun.top/midnightriders/res/8.html
>There is only OSS creating mayhem
Yet proof after proof gets set in front of you. They are asking you over there a question btw
>if you're trying to denigrate /qrb/ by calling it /qrsafespace/, you are saying it's bad for anons to have a place to post where notables aren't full of muh joos and the focus is on digs and discourse?
If you are so very weak that you need such a space so that such things dont distract/disturb you then, yes!