Nice catch
>please remove all the irrelevant crap from Globals
>everything but this:
PASS leave it all in.
May I present laughing man
>Q chimes in, BO adds BV's, Comms freaks the fuck out and rushes to get a new board up. Not even 1d chess. These people really are stupid.
No, those boards were long ago began. This is not a new thing, this is only evidence of a long term decay of comms turning into the cbts crowd.
>How long have you been sucking Davey Brocks shriveled liddle benis?
You just dont understand
Yeah THATS reliable. OH wait, who else pushes them as people of journalistic integrity……
(not reliable but elsewhere)
Try patriots tired of your goddamn bullshit. This is your only warning motherfucker. You can be an asshole all you want at QR, not here. Wont put up w the same BS here. Go back to QR.. you gotta go back.
Its so HOT when a imageboard faggot gets all up in himself.
>KEK..Maybe you're just a FKing idiot…And To stupid to do a little fact checking…Because you're so reliable…Go away…DUMMY..kekekeke
All done posting boobs and pretending to be OSS are you?
>Why you Stupid FKing Twit..I also posted 2 other sources or the same article…Can't you read…Now go away…DUMMY..kekekeke
Maybe find a really good source lik…TYT. You know they have the pulse of the nation and all.
>KEKEK….Maybe you should go back to FB/Twitter and the MSM…OR where ever the FK ya came form…You really don't belong here…dummy..kekekeke
I think Milo is looking for someone to do work for. With him and Sputnik news, why you could rule….Toledo!
They really dont understand anons.
>instead of its source
Were you the one who got the enquirer sued? You know, because its not the source and all…